Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Potential STRONG Chessmaster personality

Author: Dan Ellwein

Date: 22:40:19 01/07/00

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On January 07, 2000 at 19:12:25, John Merlino wrote:

>In a chat with one of the developers of Chessmaster, he told me that during the
>course of the creation of several of the new personalities for CM7000, they came
>across one that they couldn't use in the program (for various reasons), but that
>they felt it MIGHT be noticeably stronger than the Chessmaster personality.
>Unfortunately, they couldn't get enough testing on it to determine its true
>strength, so Johan's preferred settings (the ones used for the Chessmaster
>personality) remain the ones in the program.
>BUT, here's how to create this potentially very strong personality:
>Take the Josh, Age 12 personality and put Strength to 100. That's it!
>Apparently, according to the developer, this personality scored +61 -18 =14
>against opponents rated 2200 and above. This also included 2 wins and 2 draws
>against the Chessmaster personality (hence, the "not enough testing"). These
>games were also only at Fischer 5/3 time controls, so that's where YOU guys come
>It doesn't sound like the development team is going to follow up on this,
>because of the completely new version of The King that's going to be in the next
>version of CM, but I thought you guys might like to run with this and do some
>SERIOUS testing.

John... i think i may have come up with a personality setting that is stronger
also... here it is...

Attacker/Defender     0
Strength of Play    100
Randomness            0
Max Search Depth    Max
Selective Search      6
Contempt for Draw     0.0

Transposition table [checked]
Deep Thinking       [checked]

Material/Position    20
Control of Center   120
Mobility            120
King Safety         120
Passed Pawns        120
Pawn Weakness       120

Own Queen             8.0
Opposing Queen        8.0

Own Rook              4.5
Opposing Rook         4.5

Own Bishop            3.5
Opposing Bishop       3.5

Own Knight            3.5
Opposing Knight       3.5

Own Pawn              1.2
Opposing Pawn         1.2

Opening Book - PetrosianT

so far in my testing... the results have been favorable... i had one game where
this setting made a queen sac that won the game some 20 or so moves later...

>Apparently this personality was designed by Josh Waitzkin himself, and the
>strength was then lowered by the development team to get his appropriate rating
>when he was 12 years old. But, just for fun, they ran a few tournaments with his
>cranked up personality and were quite stunned.
>Anybody up to the challenge? Many thanks in advance for satisfying my curiosity.

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