Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Mobility in eval

Author: Willie Wood

Date: 13:31:50 11/26/97

Go up one level in this thread

On November 25, 1997 at 19:32:40, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>I have no mobility terms in Ferret, it seems to do fine without them.
>Sometimes it gets bad pieces, but so do other programs.
>I'm not opposed to mobility terms, maybe they work.  If someone has
>experience with them, or knows of a professional program that *for sure*
>uses them (not just a deduction of the form, "they are very slow, so
>they must use mobility"), please let us know.
>I think it may be possible to be more sophisticated than this, without
>having to go to the trouble of iterating the pseudo-moves for the

Do you imply that you have a more sophisticated method, or did you mean
that one may exist?  I assume then that you don't use bitmaps.


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