Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Suggestion: "ChessMaster Pro"

Author: Thomas Mayer

Date: 01:28:08 11/09/01

Go up one level in this thread

Hi Jason,

>So there is no plans to make Chessmaster connectable to other chess servers
>then?  A shame if some degree...good in the fact that way there won't
>be 1,000,000 chessmaster bots on the ICC to fight the 1,000,000 Tiger bots :D

don't forget the 1,000,000,000 Crafty bots... :)

But anyway, ICC is best place for engine programmer - you did not find anywhere
such a big variety of engines in all strength. As bad example look on the
F7-Server, I see Fritz 6, Fritz 6, Fritz 6, Fritz 7, Fritz 7, Deep Fritz, some
Tigers & Juniors and maybe a Shredder... that's it... And millions of Fritz
against Fritz matches... how exciting... :) Ah yes, there is Sarah who gives a
little bit color in the room - sometimes playing with "The King" - problem is
that "The King" does not play with full power under ChessBase because the "piece
of trash" called winboard adapter of them...

Greets, Thomas

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