Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: To Stefan Zipproth (Aristarch)

Author: John Merlino

Date: 11:27:12 08/08/02

Go up one level in this thread

On August 08, 2002 at 05:46:05, Stefan Zipproth wrote:

>>I am now using Aristarch in Chessmaster 9000, and everything works very well,
>>including thinking output. However, there is one problem. Aristarch does not
>>appear to be using its opening book. Are there any commandline or .init file
>>parameters that need to be set to use this book? Right now, all that I have is
>>the engine and the book files in the same directory.
>Unfortunately I am not familiar with CM 9000. If you are using Aristarch as a
>WinBoard engine, it must work. Probably you are using it is an UCI engine, and
>here it is important that the UCI parameter "OwnBook" is switched on. Just have
>a look into the Aristarch UCI options, you might find it there - there's also
>the possibility that it is shown somewhere else with a slightly different title,
>for example in the book options (like Shredder does it, "Use engine book").

Chessmaster 9000 is a Winboard interface, so UCI commands are not applicable.
Perhaps I am confused simply because I am seeing thinking output from Aristarch
at the beginning of the game. Here is the log, which leads me to believe that
the book IS being accessed, and I've been misreading what I've been seeing in
the GUI:

<- xboard
-> Aristarch 4.4.131 -- (c) 2002 Stefan Zipproth. E-Mail:
-> feature done=0
<- post
<- new
<- level 0 5 0
<- hard
<- force
<- post
<- time 29700
<- otim 30000
<- c2c4
<- black
<- time 30000
<- otim 30000
<- go
-> 0 0 0 0  book: e7e5 g8f6 c7c6 g7g6 e7e6
-> move g8f6
->  2    42     0        32 h2h4 d7d5
->  2    66     0        58 h2h4 d7d5
->  2    54     0       110 f2f4 d7d5
->  2    33     0       160 d2d4
->  2    22     0       184 d2d4 d7d5
->  3     8     0       355 d2d4 d7d5 e2e3
->  3     7     0       448 e2e3 d7d5
->  3     5     0       567 g1f3 d7d5 d2d3
->  4    25     0      1164 g1f3 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 d2d4
->  5    21    60      5464 g1f3 d7d5 d2d4 d5c4 d1a4 b8c6
<- .
<- time 29561
<- otim 29984
<- g1f3
->  6    26   670     24808 g1f3 d7d5 d2d3 b8c6 c1f4 c8f5
->  6    19   940     43282 b1c3 b8c6 d2d4 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 e2e4
->  7    12  1380     88798 b1c3 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 e2e4 d5f4 f1b5 b8c6 d1f3
-> stat01: 149 91955 7 20 22 g1f3
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  book: e7e6 b7b6
-> move b7b6
->  2    -8     0        51 d2d4 d7d5 e2e3
->  3   -22     0       220 d2d4 d7d5 e2e3
->  3   -25     0       396 b1c3 d7d5 d2d3
->  4    -5    50      1158 b1c3 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 d2d4
->  5   -22    50      5789 b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 b8c6 e2e3
->  6   -13   210     26493 b1c3 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 c1g5
<- time 29394
<- otim 29960
<- g2g3
->  7   -25  1200     97958 b1c3 d7d5 d2d3
-> stat01: 120 98047 7 22 24 d2d4
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: c8b7 passive: d7d5 c7c5 e7e6 g7g6
-> move c8b7
->  2    21     0        59 d2d3 e7e5
->  2    11     0       124 d2d4 e7e6
->  3   -18     0       462 d2d4 d7d5 e2e3
->  4     3    60      1466 d2d4 d7d5 b1a3 e7e6
->  4     2    60      3109 b1c3 e7e6
->  5    -3   110      7606 b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 d5c4 d1a4 b8d7
->  6     6   280     32569 b1c3 e7e5 d2d4 e5e4 f3e5 e4e3
<- .
<- time 29255
<- otim 29942
<- f1g2
->  6     4   950     52608 d2d4 d7d5 b1c3 b8d7 c4d5 f6d5 c1g5
-> stat01: 166 107931 7 24 25 d2d4
->  7     8  1770    119929 d2d4 d7d5 e2e3 e7e6 b1d2
<- .
->  7    -4  2200    170886 b1c3 d7d5 d2d3 d5c4 d3c4 b8d7 c1g5 e7e5
-> stat01: 259 235349 8 24 25 b1c3
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: e7e6 passive: c7c5 g7g6 e7e5
-> move e7e6
->  2    28     0        78 d2d3 f8c5
->  2    19     0       177 d2d4 b8c6
->  3    12     0       773 d2d4 f8b4 b1c3 b7e4
->  3    -4     0      1604 e1g1 b8c6 d2d4
->  4    16     0      2500 e1g1 b8a6 d2d4
->  5    -4   120     12372 e1g1 b8c6 d2d3 f8c5 b1c3 d7d5
->  6    -1   400     37930 e1g1 f8b4 b1c3
<- .
-> stat01: 122 90602 7 27 28 e1g1
<- .
->  7    -8  2150    161570 e1g1 d7d5 d2d3
-> stat01: 237 186906 7 24 28 b1c3
-> stat01: 287 241223 8 27 28 e1g1
<- .
-> stat01: 424 352000 8 27 28 e1g1
<- time 28989
<- otim 29478
<- e1g1
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: f8e7 passive: c7c5 d7d5
-> move f8e7
->  2     7     0        64 d2d4 b8c6 b1c3
->  3   -18     0       473 d2d4 d7d5 b1d2 b8c6
->  4    -5     0      1537 d2d4 b8c6 b1c3 d7d5 c4d5
->  4    -7     0      2526 b1c3 e8g8 d2d4 b8c6 c1g5
-> stat01: 27 7761 5 26 27 b1c3
->  5   -17   270      8804 b1c3 b8c6 d2d4 d7d5 f3e5 e8g8
<- .
-> stat01: 55 15849 6 26 27 b1c3
->  6    -7   890     32280 b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 b8d7 c4d5 f6d5 d1c2
->  6   -12  1320     57467 d2d4 b8c6 b1c3 e8g8 c1f4 d7d5
->  7   -11  2140    120174 d2d4 b8c6 b1c3 d7d5 f3e5 e8g8 c1f4
<- .
-> stat01: 242 132468 7 25 27 b1c3
<- .
-> stat01: 391 271765 8 26 27 d2d4
->  8    -9  5160    386348 d2d4 b8c6 b1c3 d7d5 f3e5 e8g8 c1f4 f6e4
<- .
-> stat01: 560 422066 8 25 27 b1c3
<- .
-> stat01: 714 544853 8 24 27 d2d3
<- time 28872
<- otim 28753
<- b1c3
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: e8g8 passive: c7c5
-> move e8g8
->  2    -9     0        35 d2d4 b8a6 c1f4
->  3   -26     0       555 d2d4 f6e4 d1d3 e4c3
->  4    -8     0      1704 d2d4 d7d5 c4d5
->  4    -9     0      2429 d2d3 b8c6
->  5    -9    50      4790 d2d3 d7d5 c4d5 f6d5 e2e4
-> stat01: 5 8194 5 25 31 d1c2
->  6    -6   330     30640 d2d3 d7d5 c1f4 b8d7 f3e5 e7c5
<- time 28753
<- otim 28750
<- f1e1
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: d7d5 passive: f6e4
-> move d7d5
->  2     1     0       119 c4d5 f6d5 d2d3 d5c3
->  3    14     0      1084 c4d5 e6d5 d2d4 b8d7
->  4    23     0      4475 c4d5 f6d5 c3d5 b7d5 e2e4 d5c4
->  4    15    60      7669 d2d3 d5d4 c3e4 b8c6
->  4    14    60      9280 f3e5 b8d7
->  5    25   110     14210 f3e5 b8d7 e5d7 d8d7 d2d4 f6g4
<- .
-> stat01: 33 25185 5 30 32 c4d5
->  5     4   390     27346 c4d5
->  5     1   390     34899 c4d5 e6d5 d2d4 b8d7 c1g5 h7h6
<- time 28702
<- otim 28734
<- c4d5
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: e6d5
-> move e6d5
->  2    17     0        62 d2d3 b8d7 c1g5 h7h6
->  2     7     0        70 d2d4 f6e4 c1f4 e4c3 b2c3 b8d7
->  3     7    50       149 d2d4 f6e4 c1f4 e4c3 b2c3 b8d7
->  3     6    50       381 d2d3 d5d4
->  4     8    50       846 d2d3 b8c6 c1f4 d5d4
->  4     7    50       854 d2d4 f6e4 c1f4 e4c3 b2c3 b8d7
->  5     7    50      2813 d2d4 f6e4 c1f4 e4c3 b2c3 b8d7
->  5     6    50      3997 d2d3 b8c6
-> stat01: 5 4303 5 26 30 f3e5
->  6    12   330     32304 d2d3 b8c6 e2e4 d5d4 c3b5 f6g4
<- time 28552
<- otim 28723
<- d2d4
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: c7c5 passive: b8a6
-> move c7c5
->  2   -39     0       107 d4c5 b6c5 c1f4
->  3   -11    50       767 d4c5 b6c5 c1f4 b8d7
->  3   -19    50      2021 c1f4 b8c6 d1d3
->  4   -14   110     10604 c1f4 f6e4 a1c1 b8d7
->  4   -22   170     14676 d4c5 b6c5 c1f4 d5d4 c3b5
-> stat01: 17 17979 4 12 36 d1b3
<- time 28399
->  5   -11   780     47433 d4c5 e7c5 c1f4 b8d7 f3g5 f6g4
<- otim 28704
<- c1f4
<- .
<- .
-> 0 0 0 0  large book: passive: b8a6
->  2   -11     0        38 b8d7 e2e3 f6h5
->  3   -11     0       325 b8d7 d4c5 e7c5 f3g5 f6g4
->  4   -11     0       636 b8d7 d4c5 e7c5 f3g5 f6g4
->  4    -2     0      6335 f6h5 f4d2 b8c6 e2e3
-> stat01: 6 8044 5 27 28 f6h5
-> stat01: 11 17057 5 27 28 f6h5
->  5   -16   110     17969 f6h5 f4d2 b8d7 d4c5
->  6    -8   560     91885 f6h5 f4e3 b8d7 f3e5 h5f6
<- .
->  7   -16  1710    283784 f6h5 f4e3 b8a6 d1c2
-> stat01: 171 288338 7 26 28 c5d4
<- .
-> stat01: 330 565132 7 23 28 f6e4
->  7   -11  4010    700438 f6e4 d4c5 e4c3 b2c3 e7c5 e2e3 d8f6 f3d4
<- .
-> stat01: 511 891482 8 27 28 f6e4
<- .
-> stat01: 660 1169613 8 27 28 f6e4
<- .
-> stat01: 818 1456221 8 27 28 f6e4
->  8   -15  8690   1554398 f6e4 a1c1 e4c3
<- .
-> stat01: 984 1783426 8 25 28 f6h5
<- quit


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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