Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Globalizing results...

Author: Harald Faber

Date: 01:27:52 12/19/03

Go up one level in this thread

On December 18, 2003 at 09:37:45, Frank Quisinsky wrote:

>On December 18, 2003 at 08:24:17, Harald Faber wrote:
>>On December 18, 2003 at 04:59:58, Frank Quisinsky wrote:
>>>Hi Uri,
>>>I know that Rebel, TheKing and Sjeng are very strong too and i like this
>>>programs very much but I have no other results. Only one other results (tourney
>>>with different engines and much games) and I have not write this on my handbook
>>>... but I don't have it.
>>That *you* don't have other results does not mean that no others are available
>>or possible.
>>That is the difference. Strongest in the world - believe it or not ;-) - is not
>>based on your results only. In opposite, you globalize: Your results represent
>>the whole world. I don't suppose you being so arrogant to claim that...
>I don't speak from my results alone.
>In fact Ruffian won the Dutch-open 2003 for each others available commercial
>Winboard compatible chess programs (Rebel, TheKing, Sjeng). Of course, only one
>tournament and all know that we need more games but at the moment I have no
>other information and this is reason enough to add this text on the handbook.

From a legal point of view it is *not*.
That you do not have any other information is no proof that Ruffian 2 is
strongest. What would you say: When are enough results available, how many, to
claim one program to be strongest? Similar to your strongest WB engine claim,
who would you say from the commercials could claim to be strongest commercial
program? And why?

>We have a good example with Amir Ban!
>Amir say before the WM (believe in Jarkata) started that he will hold the cup in
>his end after the tournament (with my words after my information, maybe I have a
>wrong information). Wow, and after the tournament he hold the cup in his hand.
>And now?
>Is Amir Ban "arrogant"?

Arrogance would be fooling around with "Haven't I told you before?"

>Amir know how strong is Junior at this time and the success give him right!

I am sure all other favourites did say the same, claiming (in fact: hoping) to
win the cup. ;-)

>I made the same before the tournament in Leiden started.
>Ruffian will win the tournament in Leiden and Ruffian won the tournament in
>Leiden! I am sure with the playing strenght from Ruffian because I know the
>program by Per-Ola ... see the Arena tournaments for one example!

Sorry, I don't follow the Arena tournaments, they do not interest me.

>But I am sure with this text and
>have after 4 weeks where the handbook is official available I have no interest
>to changed the text.
>I am very open with my opinion, in this case too!

although it is written for dozens of times now within this thread:
That YOU are sure does NOT justify saying *generally speaking* that Ruffian 2 IS
the strongest WB engine (in the world).

Just tell me/us:
When can a program be identified as "strongest"? when you say so? When I say so?
When SMK says so? When the program is top of SSDF? When the program wins the
There is no definition of "in case XY a chess program can be called/advertised
as strongest" so the claim *and* advertising as "strongest WB/UCI/commercial
program" is neither justified nor accurate or allowed especially for ads.

See: What if *I* produce Java-Chess as WB engine. My results show JC as
strongest. The results of some others too. So I come as you do with a package
claiming "strongest WB engine".
Who of us is right then? You? Why? Me? Why? None of course is the right answer.

Do you still don't understand the problem?

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