Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: DB and Singular Extensions

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 05:10:02 11/24/98

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On November 24, 1998 at 03:02:51, David Blackman wrote:

>On November 23, 1998 at 09:20:43, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>It's not as bad as it sounds, because remember that I said to search the *other*
>>moves to D-2.  If the fail high search costs you X nodes, then the extra tests
>>on the moves you would normally look at will only cost you w/w^(D=2) nodes
>>which lets you constrain the cost quite a bit.  It certainly isn't free, but
>>it doesn't double the size of the tree or anything close to that...
>>ie if your normal branching factor (W) is 36, then the tree will grow by a
>>factor of about 1/36...  not too bad..
>Are you sure about that? Given that you're still using alpha-beta i'd have
>thought the cost of checking the extra moves was about
>w * w^((D-2)/2)
>compared to finding the initial fail high at

Your math is correct (and is also given in the deep thought extension paper
in the JICCA).  I simplified it significantly by only discussing what happens
at one node  normally you would search 2*W^((D-1)/2) (for D even, of course, it
changes for D odd) at a node where you fail high.  now you would search those
nodes *plus* (W-1)*2*W^((D-3)/2) "extra" nodes.  (again that is wrong for D
odd but it is close enough).  IE the overhead here is still a fraction of
the total tree size, which is not bad...  What ever node count you search, you
can count on roughly 1/W^2 extra nodes because you only do this on fail high
nodes, not fail low...

>ie, about the same.
>Although i could be missing something due to failing high and failing low having
>different costs.
>Certainly, when i attempted singular-move extensions a few years back i found
>that detecting singular moves was often more expensive than doing the extension.
>However i only did a one-ply extension. I think Deep Blue does a 2 ply extension
>in most cases.

No... you can't do that and their paper is quite careful to mention that they
can do up to 2 plies of extension (SE=1) for every two plies of search, so that
they don't exceed an average of 1 extension per ply.

>I briefly considered always doing the extension, without checking if it was
>singular, but then i decided that was silly.
>I guess you could reduce the cost of detecting singular moves a bit by cutting 3
>or more plies off the depth, instead of just 2.
>I think i tried that at one stage. It's nice for tactical problem sets, but not
>clear if it actually helps in real games.

The more you cut, the more errors you make.  Because you don't see why the move
"is or isn't" singular any more..

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