Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: DB and Singular Extensions

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 05:12:46 11/24/98

Go up one level in this thread

On November 24, 1998 at 07:35:38, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:

>On November 24, 1998 at 03:02:51, David Blackman wrote:
>>On November 23, 1998 at 09:20:43, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>It's not as bad as it sounds, because remember that I said to search the *other*
>>>moves to D-2.  If the fail high search costs you X nodes, then the extra tests
>>>on the moves you would normally look at will only cost you w/w^(D=2) nodes
>>>which lets you constrain the cost quite a bit.  It certainly isn't free, but
>>>it doesn't double the size of the tree or anything close to that...
>>>ie if your normal branching factor (W) is 36, then the tree will grow by a
>>>factor of about 1/36...  not too bad..
>>Are you sure about that? Given that you're still using alpha-beta i'd have
>>thought the cost of checking the extra moves was about
>>w * w^((D-2)/2)
>>compared to finding the initial fail high at
>>ie, about the same.
>>Although i could be missing something due to failing high and failing low having
>>different costs.
>>Certainly, when i attempted singular-move extensions a few years back i found
>>that detecting singular moves was often more expensive than doing the extension.
>>However i only did a one-ply extension. I think Deep Blue does a 2 ply extension
>>in most cases.
>>I briefly considered always doing the extension, without checking if it was
>>singular, but then i decided that was silly.
>>I guess you could reduce the cost of detecting singular moves a bit by cutting 3
>>or more plies off the depth, instead of just 2.
>>I think i tried that at one stage. It's nice for tactical problem sets, but not
>>clear if it actually helps in real games.
>Doing singular extensions reducing depth too much doesn't make sense,
>because for tough problems you need a huge depth left to detect whether
>it is a singular move.
>The most difficult singular moves are only singular after a huge depth left
>to search.
>Meaning that if you reduce a lot, that you will miss an awfull lot of
>interesting singular moves.
>A good example is in the bs2830 test set the move Qb7-d5, which with
>singular extensions depth reduction = 0, could be found at say 6 ply.
>Please turn off all other extensions, just use singular extensions, and
>report back how deep it takes then!
>This problem is found by most programs not because of singular extensions,
>but because of other extensions such as passed pawn extensions, recapture
>extensions, and check extensions.
>If the combination of all extensions find it soon, then how much would it
>take to find it WITHOUT singular extensions and with the extensions used?
>So there are 4 ways to test
>  a) all extensions off, SE on
>  b) all extensions on, SE on
>  c) all extensions on, SE off
>  d) all extensions off, SE off (which is the most uninteresting)
>The most interesting is to compare b with c. In fact S.E. should find this
>really quickly, but when i test this with S.E. on, then i'm suffering horrible
>from the reduction factor, which misses the advance of the c-pawn.
>In fact i find this move easier then without S.E. than with, as it eats
>up too many plies extending nonsense.
>here is the position (bs2830-26):
>1r4k1/1q2pN1p/3pPnp1/8/2pQ4/P5PP/5P2/3R2K1 b - - Qd5

Did you implement the "real" singular extension algorithm as explained in the
JICCA along with the "sticky transposition table" stuff to avoid losing a
singularity at odd times?  I did this in Cray Blitz and found it worked pretty
well in the right positions...

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