Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: What constitutes a clone?

Author: Antonio Dieguez

Date: 13:13:10 02/16/05

Go up one level in this thread

On February 16, 2005 at 15:42:49, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On February 16, 2005 at 12:01:59, Antonio Dieguez wrote:
>>On February 16, 2005 at 10:46:39, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>If there is something that produces a single correct answer, such as "what is
>>>the set of moves for this position?" or "what is the updated chess position
>>>after making or unmaking this move?" or "what is the expected (SEE) win/loss for
>>>capturing on this square?" or "is the king in check?" then there is little
>>>reason to worry about those parts being copied, because copied or written from
>>>scratch, they by necessity produce exactly the same answer.  But the eval and
>>>search don't have that characteristic.
>>but of course it is unfair. There are competitions with chess programs, and if
>>one author let say that copies that code or writes the exact equivalent code, he
>>loses his own pride but wins time and effort. I personally don't like to say
>>"there is little reason to worry about those parts being copied", as if it were
>>something normal, many won't like that I suposse, because what i said, or
>>because considering the chess program a pure personal jewel, even including the
>>parts you mention, or whatever.
>>sólo un estropajo sucio que tuvo la suerte de encarnar un día en un ser humano.
>That's an argument.  But I use scanf(), printf(), pthread_create(), fseek(),
>random64() and lots of other things I didn't write.  So does everyone else.
>Does that affect whether Crafty is my work product or not????

nobody would say it isn't.

Well you have no problem with parts that produces the same answer over and over,
you said your opinion and I can take it as your opinion. I don't "agree" with
you just because I don't want to agree with that :)
I'm not thinking about something being right or wrong, just jealousy and
unfairness or something like that comes to mind, I don't think that its
allowance in a tourney is incorrect, we can not say it is something incorrect, I
think. We play whatever we want or whatever the organizers has to offer, and if
I have to make a vote I would vote for no SEE or other routines like that to be
copied, altough the thruth it would be just a little problem for me, but not
something normal and preferably not allowed, imo.

well I'm getting boring. bye.

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