Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: New SMIRF Beta Version 1.49

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 19:58:41 02/07/06

Go up one level in this thread

On February 07, 2006 at 15:18:26, Reinhard Scharnagl wrote:

>On February 07, 2006 at 14:39:32, Pedro Gomes wrote:
>>On February 07, 2006 at 08:00:48, Reinhard Scharnagl wrote:
>>>Hello friends of Chess960, 10x8 CRC and other FullChess games,
>>>the new SMIRF Beta has been cleaned from old ballast, and its editing surface
>>>hopefully has been redesigned a little bit more clearly. Moreover now a STL DLL
>>>is no longer used in this package.
>>>Download could be done via .
>>>The engine itself has not been changed much. But for those, who have missed the
>>>last updates, progresses in 10x8 chess nevertheless should be noticable.
>>>Best Regards, Reinhard.
>>How could I test your program, Reinhard ?
>>It is not possible to put your engine play against other engines in Winboard or
>>Arena. I am not so strong player to play it with your GUI.
>>It could be interesting if I could set the playing strength.
>>Regards. HFP
>Of course you could play it with other programs, entering its moves manually.
>I prosume you are targeting a way to do this automatically. But unfortunately
>there still are no other programs supporting a usable protocol, which would
>also support even 10x8 chess. That has been the reason for me to write an own
>GUI and to publish an open TMCI protocol proposal. But reducing SMIRF's concept
>to its 8x8 ability alone would ignore the covering FullChess idea to support
>a lot of variants, which each compatibly extend the rules of traditional chess.
>I am sorry about that SMIRF's own GUI seems to be ignored completely by you.
>If you are interested in a superior playing chess engine, there are well known
>representants, mentioned nearly every second posting here during the last time.
>Nevertheless SMIRF is no more playing really weak. Especially in 10x8 chess it
>is on the way into better times. But I remember that during the days of the
>first chess computer sets it has been possible somehow to estimate their
>strength. Today for sure there should be even more possibilities.

How does it do against ChessV:

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