Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: rybka more than a one trick pony

Author: Vikrant Malvankar

Date: 19:51:09 03/07/06

Go up one level in this thread

On March 07, 2006 at 20:42:18, Marc D wrote:

>On March 07, 2006 at 20:37:55, Mark Boylan wrote:
>>On March 07, 2006 at 20:18:18, Marc D wrote:
>>>I still think Rybka has preconfigured chess data knowledge in it's code to
>>>acomplish these things.
>>I don't understand.
>>All of the better programs that I've read have preconfigured chess knowledge of
>>some sort for evaluating positions.
>>Are you saying that Rybka has a precalculated table containing the evaluations
>>of some common positions? Like a middlegame book? Would that even help beyond
>>the opening. Even if it did, would it be bad?
>>Whatever that program does, it's damn clever.
>Yes something similar like this.
>But i agree with you that what the program does is quite clever and makes it so
>far unbeaten.

If that is true, it certainly does not have adequate knowledge of isolated pawn
positions, i think it is the only little weakness that Rybka has.I am gonna
create a book for Shredder or Fritz with isolated Pawn structure openings and
see hw Rybka behaves in such cases.

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