Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Counting & Encoding Any Chess Position in 157 bits

Author: blass uri

Date: 10:59:24 11/10/99

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On November 10, 1999 at 13:43:26, Ratko V Tomic wrote:
>In any case, from the experimenting with this code, I think that
>the figure I got is at most 20% above the actual number of legal
>positions (some minor improvements could be obtained via bishop
>optimization and some simple types of the wrong side check

I think that it is more than 20% above because there are many positions when
both kings are in check(I guess close to 20%) and it is not the only case.

There are many positions when it is possible to prove by the pawn structure and
the number of pieces that the position is illegal.

I guess that the number of really legal position(without considering things like
right to castle or right to take pawns en passant may be 1/10 or 1/20 of the
upper bound.


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