Author: blass uri
Date: 00:47:19 11/11/99
Go up one level in this thread
On November 11, 1999 at 02:32:49, Les Fernandez wrote: >On November 10, 1999 at 03:25:28, Ratko V Tomic wrote: > >>Errata: >> >>> >>> 3.6 Castle state was not included in the count, but it was estimated >>> that it would add less than 0.13 bits to the position code, in >>> the worst case (check earlier discussion on king pair + castle >>> status encoding in 12 bits). The ep status also wasn't encoded, >>> but since there could be at most 4 ep capture targets (white >>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >>> assumed to move, thus 4 targets are black pawns on the 5-th rank), >>> ^^^^^^^^^ >>> the ep would add at most log2(5)=2.32 bits >> ^^^^^^^^^^^^ >> >>This should say: "at most 5 ep capture targets" (e.g. the 5th rank could >>be: pPppPppP with 5 black potential targets & 3 white pawns capable of >>capturing any of the 5). Thus the code addition is log2(6)=2.58 bits. >>This addition of 0.26 bits still doesn't bring the full position code >>above the 157 bits. > >Hello Ratko, > >Listen I have been following this very interesting thread since it started and >am involved in another thread which has also generated some interest. Appears >to be some different ideas then what I have seen here. One of the gentlemne is >interested in max of promoted pieces. ie I remembered seeing the thread that >you can have 8 queens of one color and 4 of the other. Can someone tell me what >the max #'s are for rooks, knights and bishops. The max number of promoted pieces is 8 for both sides(queens,rooks,bishops or knights) Every capture of a piece can generate 2 passed pawns(1 white and 1 black) and there are 14 pieces in the initial positions except kings(7 white and 7 black) so it is not a problen to capture 8 of them. Uri Thanks. BTW if anyone out here >is interested in the other thread discussing other suggestions let me know and I >will post it. > >Les
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