Author: Ratko V Tomic
Date: 00:39:38 11/15/99
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--- message part 2/2 --- 3. HUFFMAN CODING OF MC26 INDEX -------------------------------- So far we have obtained a variable length code for all chess positions consisting of the fixed part MC26 code, specifying the material content, and a variable length part MP(MC) (given as placement index I in eq.(9) of the section 2.2), specifying the placement of the material given by the MC. Since the worst case MP code has length of 142 whole bits and MC26 code will take 26 whole bits, the worst case encoding so far will use 168 bits. On the other hand, since the total number of positions (accepted by this algorithms) is N=2.46*10^46=154.1 bits, we can use Huffman coding for the MC26 codes, which will produce uniform full code length of 155 whole bits. For a given MC26 "symbol" and its NP(MC) placements, we assign a Huffman weight (or probability) w(MC)=NP(MC)/N. The sum of all these weights over all 58,084,310 MC states is 1, i.e. they're a proper Huffman weights. Therefore the Huffman code length of each of these codes, in bits, is: HL(MC) = -log2(w(MC)) = log2(N)-log2(NP(MC)) = 154.1 - log2(NP) (11) where the final result must be rounded to the next whole bit. Since, for the given MC, the length of the MP part of the code is L(MP) = log2(NP), the combined length of the full code HL(MC) + L(MP) = 154.1, i.e. the full code is now a fixed length code, fitting in 155 whole bits. The Huffman code lengths of the MC26 "symbols" are merely the completion of the variable MP code length to the fixed 155 bits total. Therefore our earlier worst case MP using 142 whole bits will have its H(MC26) code using 154.1097-141.1382 = 12.9715 bits, or 13 whole bits. The longest Huffman code for an MC26 symbol will occur for the shortest MP case, which is the case of 2 lone kings, which will have (accounting for checks) NP=4*60+24*58+36*55=3612 = 11.8186 bits, having thus HL(MC) = 154.1097-11.8186 = 142.3 bits, i.e. 143 whole bits are used to specify that there are only 2 kings on the board and the remaining 12 whole bits (the MP part of the code) specify where the kings are. 3.1 CONSTRUCTING HUFFMAN CODES ------------------------------ A compact and quick way to construct Huffman codes, knowing their lengths in bits, is to sort Huffman codes by their length and assign sequential Huffman code numbers within each length group. In our case we have N symbols to convert into Huffman codes (N=58,084,310 MC26 codes) and for each symbol MC1, MC2, ..., MCN we have a length L1, L2,.. ,LN (obtained via (11), i.e. by completing the MP code length to 154.1 bits, then rounding the result up). The shortest code length was 13 whole bits, and the longest 143 whole bits, i.e. we have NL=131 fixed length groups: G1, G2, ..., G131, containing C1, C2,...,C131 codes respectively, and C1+C2+..+C131=N. The groups sizes, C1,C2,... and the codes separation by lengths are obtained in a single pass through the codes MC1, MC2,..MCN, assigning them each to its own bin (out of 131 bins) by its length. We end up with 131 arrays, with element counts C1, C2,.. C131, and containing MC26 symbols as their elements. (Note: all these steps are not part of encoding/decoding process but belong to creation of the program's constants tables, hence their space & time requirements are not part of the coder/decoder run-time space & time requirements.) We can now construct Huffman codes by starting with G1, which has HL=13 and the count of the 13 bit codes is C1. We simply assign the Huffman codes to the MC26 symbols (stored in the bin G1), as sequential 13 bit numbers from H0=0 to C1-1 (the Huffman codes satisfy Kraft inequality for variable length codes, thus it will have C1<8192 i.e. C1-1 will not be the largest 13 bit number, 0x1FFF). The we move to bin G2, with length 14 bits (or more if no codes happen to be 14 bits long). We increment the last code from bin 1, C1-1 to C1 and pad it with 0 bits to the length of the Huffman codes in G2, creating thus starting Huffman code H0 for the bin G2. The C2 Huffman codes are then sequential C2 numbers of given length starting with H0. Then we construct the starting code for the next group by using as its prefix H0+C2 in the G2 bit length, then pad it with 0 bits to the bit length for the bin G3, obtaining thus starting code H0 for the G3. We proceed that way through entire list through G131. For each group G1..G131 we don't need to keep Huffman codes for all 58,084,310 MC26 symbols, but only the starting Huffman code for that group Gk, H0(k) and the count of codes Ck. In each group we also keep the MC26 array of codes belonging to that length bin. So the entire Huffman array will contain (in unoptimized form) around 58 million entries. This can be easily cut in about half, to 29,045,304, by noting that MC=(MC1,MC2) will belong in the same bin as the reversed color state, MC'=(MC2,MC1), hence we only need to keep single MC26 code wheneves MC1 is different than MC2 (which is true for all but 6298 cases). 3.2 ENCODING/DECODING HUFFMAN CODES ----------------------------------- In addition to this space, we need a small decoder binary tree, which has 131 leaf nodes, allowing decoder to find the prefix bin for decoding given full length Huffman code HC. Once the bin is found (in at most 8 compare branches), decoder constructs HCI=HC-H0 (arithmetic precision in the bit length defined by that that bin), which is the index in the array of the MC26 codes belonging to that length bin, and retrieves the MC26 code via a single array lookup. The remaining part of the full code (after stripping the Huffman part, whose length was determined once its bin was found) is the MP index, which decodes as described in the previous section. The Huffman encoder doesn't need additional data, beyond the table above. It receives MC26 code and computes its length (by calculating number of placements, the NP value, and subtracting it from 154.1, then rounding up) and within the located length bin it performs a binary search on the stored MC26 codes (i.e. they have to be sorted within the bin), finding thus the offset HCI which needs to be added to the base Huffman code, H0, for this bin to get the full Huffman code HC for this MC26 code (i.e. HC=HC0+HCI). 3.3 REDUCING THE SIZE OF HUFFMAN TABLE -------------------------------------- Our Huffman table with its 29 millions 26-bit numbers, although well within capabilities of todays PC's, is still largely redundant. Namely, we have already noted how exchanging black & white MC state doesn't change the Huffman bin and that fact alone had cut in half the table size. In fact the Huffman bin assignement of some MC26 code depended only on the length of the Huffman code, which in turn depended only on the number of placements, the NP number. But this number is insensitive to great many other swaps. Consider an MC26 state which has 2 W.Rooks and 3 W.Knights. That state has same NP as otherwise identical MC26 state, except that it has 3 W.Rooks and 2 W.Knights. In other words, the formula for NP depends only on count values, not on which specific piece has those counts (it was our arbitrary convention how to order placement of the piece types). Therefore we can swap those counts among themselves, producing the new MC26 states whenever we exchange 2 different count values, and still remain in the same Huffman bin. Roughly speaking, if an MC record has counts {C1,C2,...,C12} for the 12 piece types, we need to store in the Huffman bin only the single representative of all these permuted MC cases and use the permutation index (which is mathematically equivalent to our placement index construction in section 2) to compute Huffman codes for all the remaining records obtained through the permutations of the representative record. Now, due to the legality constraints (for promotions vs captures), as well as the special treatment of pawns in computing the NP, we have to observe some constraints on these permutation among the piece type counts: C1. Pawn counts cannot be exchanged with nonpawn counts C2. To preserve excess & defect values for each side, as they appear in the constraints (1w) and (1b), we cannot exchange any king or any Queen with another piece (since K doesn't have excess or defect, and Queen has different excess/defect from R, N or B with the same count). Consequently, we will only swap R, N, B among themselves and r,n,b among themselves, and black & white as a whole. More complicated checks on the legality could utilize greater degree of symmetry i.e. they could generate many more swaps among the counts which preserve material (il)legality status and which keep the NP unchanged. But even these few simple symmetry cases reduce the 58 million entry table down to 1,839,500 representative entries for the MC26 codes (this count was produced by the program which counted the positions in the initial post of this thread). The representative entries would always have RNB and rnb counts ordered in non-decreasing order. Neither the permuted MC codes, nor the number of such permutations need to be stored in the table (since both are quickly computable from the representative state, or can be looked up even quicker in small precomputed tables), and the representative case can thus act to the decoder & encoder exactly as the fully expanded permutations (at some loss of speed). Note 1: In section 1 an approximate method was proposed to avoid using the 58 million entry table of the MC26 states (at the expense of 0.096 bits). The symmetry method with representative cases, as described here, is an alternative, which at the expense of 1.8 million entry table (which ends up being used by the Huffman encoder/decoder anyway) can be made to work without any approximation (but a bit slower). Note 2: The ep and castle status, which on average have a very low bit overhead (in fractions of a bit), due to the uniform final code length achieved via Huffman coding, are reducable to their average overhead in all cases (as opposed to generating no overhead in most cases and generating several bits of overhead in the "worst" cases, which appeared in various ad hoc encoding methods discussed earlier). For example, within this method, the king-rooks factor KR in the MP index separates in the KR=KR0+KRC, where KR0 are the total placements without the castle rights (regardless of the placement of kings & rooks) and KRC are the 15 castle right cases (KQkq) for a "tiny" subset of the placements which have one or 2 kings and one or more rooks fixed in the right places (I said "tiny" since fixing at least 2 pieces to make a position a castle candidate, reduces the so constrained placements by at least a quadratic factor in number of empty squares NS, i.e. roughly by NS^2, where NS is at least 32, so KR/KR0 is of the order 1.001, adding log2(1.001) = 0.001 bits to the code). Similar size estimates apply to the ep cases, where the pawn factor in MP is PF=PF0+PFE, and the PFE containing the EP cases, is a tiny fraction of the uncosntrained pawn placements, PF0 (although these are somewhat more cumbersome to classify than the castle cases). Since our full code length was 154.1, and the 155 bit was a whole bit code size, it seems quite likely that the ep+castle corrections wouldn't tip it over the 155 whole bit boundary (and of course, the full code would still retain its uniform length property over all positions).
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