Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Do you use illigal moves in the ply zero and 1?

Author: leonid

Date: 04:53:59 11/24/99

Go up one level in this thread

On November 24, 1999 at 06:05:13, Inmann Werner wrote:

>On November 23, 1999 at 16:52:36, leonid wrote:
>>On November 23, 1999 at 15:02:49, Inmann Werner wrote:
>>>On November 23, 1999 at 13:09:40, leonid wrote:
>>>>On November 23, 1999 at 08:42:41, Inmann Werner wrote:
>>>>>On November 22, 1999 at 19:05:13, leonid wrote:
>>>>>>Was puzzled few times by finding that many logics use illegal moves and
>>>>>>succesfully. Until now I used this kind of moves only in the ply zero. Expect to
>>>>>>rewrite my logic completelly with usage of illegal moves in every ply. Until now
>>>>>>was too busy to reach this programming. But before I even start, I have one
>>>>>>doubt. Do really games, that use illegal moves, goes with the same moves for the
>>>>>>ply zero and one? Or do they use on ply one, for instance, legal moves for some
>>>>>>reason? I am asking this because ply zero and one, anyway, are responsable for
>>>>>>the biggest par of the speed in the game.
>>>>>>Thanks for response,
>>>>>1) Do as you want...
>>>>>2) I use always also the illegal moves. On the next depth then i find a mate
>>>>>what kills the illegal move. So the cost IMHO is not much.
>>>>Please say me (to be sure) what says abreviation IMHO ?
>>>>Also, probably, you want to say that when you find on the next ply that king was
>>>>taken you cancel the move? Something equal to say that mate took place. Right?
>>>>Don't be surprise about my questions. I found many time in my programming that
>>>>my guessing was wrong.
>>>That was the point :-)
>>But how about the ply 1? Just before the lowest one. Do you use in the ply one
>>(or as far as you know after the theory) do people use the legal or illegal
>>After what I could see and find, presumably, in this ply usage of illegal moves
>>could lead to the big lost of time. I hope that I am wrong. But after what I
>>see, all moves in the ply one, for highest speed, should be done this way:
>>1) All legal.
>>1) Checking moves frist, material advantage second, neutral at the end.
>As far I understand your issue I try best to answer (difficult for us non
>First, I think there are many different ways to do.
>1) I generate all pseudolegal moves.
>2) I call alpha-beta
>3) first thing in alpha-beta is, that i check for checks and mate.
>I do this at every depth.
>Only reason is, that it is easier for me to check this in alpha-beta than in the
>generator. There I would have to try the move and check it.
>I make one exception of this: If I am in Check, I have a own move generator who
>himself checks, if there is a move which not leads to mate. This only was a
>"very slight" improvment.

Don't worry about your English! It is OK. For many of us English is not our
first language. Good news is that Internet helps to make it much better.

As I can see, your moves alignment goes after the same logic. So, what I do have
sense, at least, for some of us. Really how illegal moves can be efficent in the
ply 1 when you try to do everything as quick as possible. For finding the result
in this ply, first must go the moves that lead to the biggest material advantage
and after neutral. Moves that lead to check could end by biggest advantage,
since they can end by mate, this is the reason for putting them at the head of
the line. Later in decreasing order the mvoes with material advantage and
finally neutral. This way permit to make ply one (without even talking about the
ply zero that give huge advantage) very successful.


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