Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Deep Junior - Huebner, final position diagram

Author: blass uri

Date: 21:26:22 07/08/00

Go up one level in this thread

On July 09, 2000 at 00:06:46, Mark Young wrote:

>On July 08, 2000 at 23:40:38, blass uri wrote:
>>On July 08, 2000 at 17:52:56, Mark Young wrote:
>>>On July 08, 2000 at 17:19:59, Amir Ban wrote:
>>>>On July 08, 2000 at 12:46:08, blass uri wrote:
>>>>>On July 08, 2000 at 12:41:36, Peter Kappler wrote:
>>>>>>Huebner resigned before making his 20th move in this position:
>>>>>>[D]r4rk1/p1nqbppp/1pn1p3/P1PpP3/8/BPPQ1N2/3N1PPP/R3R2K b - - 0 20
>>>>>>20... bxc5 21. Ne4 seems like a logical continuation.  I spent a few minutes
>>>>>>fiddling with this line in Hiarcs and Fritz, but couldn't find anything that
>>>>>>merits a resignation by Black.
>>>>>Are you sure that black resigned in this position?
>>>>>I will believe it only if one of the players say it(Amir is representing
>>>>Ok, I will confirm it.
>>>>Briefly, Huebner resigned because he believed he lost a pawn for nothing (Qd7
>>>>?). That view is too pessimistic, as black can get the pawn back, but analysis
>>>>by Khalifman and Alterman shows that then white gets a crushing attack. The
>>>>details should be on the ChessBase and KC sites soon.
>>>If Huebner position is going to get crushed, then he may have been correct in
>>The question is if Deep Junior could find the right moves to win the game.
>>Junior could not win with a pawn advantage in the first game so resigning only
>>because you think that you lose a pawn is a bad behaviour.
>>I also want to know if Junior could find the right moves to get the crushing
>>attack in the analysis by khalifman and alterman.
>>> Has Huebner said anything about the position other then resigning?
>>>1 1/2 points out of 2 games so far, this must be a surprise to many at CCC
>>>playing at this time control against the worlds best players.
>>It is a surprise that the top players do stupid blunders that even 1600 players
>>usually avoid(b4? in the first game and resigning in the second game).
>It is my understading that b4?! was not a stupid blunder, it was just refuted by
>Junior 6 with the move Nb8! any other move gives white a good game for the pawn.
>It seems that human selective search also has some weaknesses.
>Huebner did resign too soon, without a doubt, but this is chess, and judement is
>part of a players elo rating. It does not matter if Junior 6 could find the
>attack or not. What counts is that Huebner thought he had a lost position
>against Junior 6.
>I hope you are not saying by your last comment that Juniors 6 success so far in
>this tournament is some sort of dumb luck... Junior is playing solid chess, and
>not giving the players any easy outs, as we seen in the Rebel - GM games. It
>will be interesting to see if Junior 6's soild play continues.

Junior6 is playing well but the problem is that Huebner did not want to play
against it.

My opinion is that even being a pawn down is not a good reason to resign in
chess and even kasparov can blunder with 2 pawns advantage(I remember a game of
him against short when short missed a draw after being a 2 pawns down).

Do you know about other games of Huebner against humans when he resigned only
because of being a pawn down in the opening?


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