Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Question to Bob: Crafty , Alpha and FindBit()

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 14:24:29 06/14/98

Go up one level in this thread

On June 14, 1998 at 08:44:10, Dave Gomboc wrote:

>On June 14, 1998 at 06:43:51, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:
>>On June 13, 1998 at 23:17:37, Dave Gomboc wrote:
>>>Let's say that A is the bitboard representing where the rook can move.
>>>B could be one of many things:  the bitboard representing squares the
>>>opponent attacks at least as many times as you do, the bitboard
>>>representing squares the opponent attacks with a piece of lesser (or
>>>equal) value than the rook, the bitboard representing whatever your
>>>imagination comes up with... but in every case, computing A and not B
>>>should give you what you want in one clock cycle.
>>>Of course B isn't that easy to generate, depending on what you choose
>>>for it, but it's not like bitboards make this sort of computation
>>>impossible or extremely expensive either.
>>Suppose you have both A and B, then how do you compute it
>>in O(1)?
>>Not possible with the current array sizes.
>I'm not sure why I said "in one clock cycle" above, clearly there are
>two operations which cannot overlap completely.  I don't see how
>computing the result in O(1) time is going to be a problem.
>64-bit architecture:
>    Move B, Reg2
>    Move A, Reg1
>    Reg2 = -Reg2
>    Reg1 ||= Reg2

you also probably meant reg2=compl(reg2).  "-" is not a 1's
complement...  ie r=1, r=-r does not give what you'd expect,
it gives a word with all bits set...

However, every processor I know of has a 1's complement operator, so
it doesn't cost any more...

and is actually probably faster..

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