Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: DB doesn't do NULL move????

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 09:42:20 06/29/98

Go up one level in this thread

On June 29, 1998 at 00:35:09, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>Good question.  But I just got some of the latest results from my chess partner
>at Livermore Labs...  CB (running on a T932 (32 processor T90, 2 gigawords (16
>gigabytes) of memory) gets 297 in under 1 second (it reports the time as 0
>seconds, but only displays whole seconds.  two take 1 second, and 1 takes 7
>seconds.  An older version didn't have that 7 second spike, not sure what caused
>it.  This was on the last version we did of Cray blitz, called Cray Blitz
>version 43i.  It is *very* fast, the output says it averaged just over 11M nodes
>per sec on the 300 positions.

You can get Crafty going 200K nps on that 4x200.  So CB is 55x faster than
Crafty, at least.

55x7 = 385

You should get that tough one in 5-10 minutes with Crafty.

You don't get it in a lot longer than that, and neither do I.  Why do you think
this is?


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