Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: perft weirdness

Author: Peter Fendrich

Date: 02:27:32 01/02/03

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On January 02, 2003 at 05:00:06, Russell Reagan wrote:

>I'm trying to nail down this bug in my move generator. I'm calculating perft for
>positions and verifying them with other perft calculating engines. First I did
>perft with only kings on the board, and things seemed fine. Then I added queens,
>and things seemed fine. Then came the kings and rooks, and things seemed fine
>when castling wasn't involved, but then I tried the following position:
>[D]r3k2r/8/8/8/8/8/8/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1
>Things stopped being fine. Other engines I tried got perft(4)=314346, but mine
>gets perft(4)=314340, off by 6 nodes. Since there are *only* 26 legal moves in
>the above position I set out to try each one, calculate perft, and find the
>branch branch (or branches) containing the errors.
>The move Rb1 leads to a position that my engine incorrectly calculates perft 3.
>So I had an incorrect perft 4, and I found one branch that has an incorrect
>perft 3, so I'm on the right track (or so I thought). I tried each move from the
>position after Rb1, and to my suprise not one move turned up an incorrect perft
>1 or perft 2, which is what I was expecting.
>It seems like this shouldn't happen. Am I missing something? Or is this yet
>another bug?

perft(4)=314340 is definitely a bug and you should also try perft 1 after Rb1.
I would suspect problems with castling or king evasion if it was my program.
Maybe you don't accept blacks o-o-o after Rb1? It is a legal move.

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