Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Compare Deep Blue with Deep Junior

Author: Omid David Tabibi

Date: 11:19:09 01/12/03

Go up one level in this thread

On January 11, 2003 at 23:36:05, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On January 11, 2003 at 19:23:20, Omid David Tabibi wrote:
>>On January 11, 2003 at 08:23:43, Frank Phillips wrote:
>>>"The next question is, and many people are asking it, do we know how Deep Junior
>>>compares in strength with Deep Blue? The really interesting thing, from the AI
>>>point of view in general and for computer chess researchers in particular, is
>>>that Deep Junior examines something like one percent of the number of positions
>>>per second of Deep Blue. But despite this Deep Junior may well play better chess
>>>because its "understanding" of the game is better. It appears to have more chess
>>>knowledge and understanding in its evaluation function than Deep Blue did, and
>>>this compensates for the difference in positions-per-second.." Extract from
>>>Levy on site
>>>From what I read in Behind Deep Blue I find this surprising.  But then again, I
>>>no nothing about Junior other than it is an awesome program.
>>>If only Hsu had produced his chip so we could have answered this question rather
>>>than use it to fires.
>>If say Deep Blue was 100x faster than Deep Junior, then I suggest that you
>>conduct the following test:
>>Take an engine which has a very simple evaluation function, and its speed (NPS)
>>is about Junior's speed, turn off all its selectivity (e.g. null-move pruning,
>>futility pruning, etc), and let it play against Deep Junior. The time control
>>should be 100x in favor of the brute force engine, e.g. 500 min/game for the
>>brute force one, and 5 min/game for Deep Junior.
>>I will gladly bet on a convincing win for Deep Junior.
>How about this:
>Deep Junior on current hardware, set up as normal.
>Deep Junior on hardware 200X faster, with no selective forward pruning.  But
>with _everything_ else the same.
>Care to bet now?

Based on the 6 games, I did not see any deep positional knowledge on Deep Blue's
behalf, but 6 games alone might not be a sufficient indicative.

Assuming that Deep Blue's evaluation was more or less in Deep Junior's level, it
would be hard to guess the effect of forward pruning (and no, I will not bet!).

>You are assuming facts not in evidence.  Namely that DB2 had an inferior
>eval.  Nothing I have seen suggests that.  Not Kasparov's comments.  Not
>anybody's comments.  (Except for Vincent of course).
>>>Good luck to Junior and team in the coming match.

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