Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Here's some Shock for all of You: It's Art!

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 08:45:05 04/03/03

Go up one level in this thread

On April 03, 2003 at 05:58:58, Rolf Tueschen wrote:

>On April 02, 2003 at 10:59:37, Bruce Moreland wrote:
>>On April 02, 2003 at 09:04:53, Rolf Tueschen wrote:
>>>You should really learn that CCC is not the forum to debate about the Iraq war.
>>>The topic here was the peace propaganda Bruce and other Americans have got.
>>>Understood? Now that might be boring for you but that gives you no right to
>>>attack me now for a change. You are anonymously here. I never read anything
>>>about CC from you. Go to CTF and try to male your case there and then we'll see
>>>if you can stand the heat. Here such posts are OFF TOPIC.
>>>Rolf Tueschen
>>Peace propaganda?  Excuse me?
>Yes, I know that you are smart. But you are not yet experienced enough. As I
>said in a different message there's a whole art in EUROPE
>with such political propaganda if you want. Either you change a picture by
>adding a telling feature or you add a sub line with a well known saying. And the
>two together then make the dynamite for thinking.
>This has nothing, nothing, nothing, to do with a personal attack against you,
>Americans or any kind of real persons. It is a form of provokation. Andy Warhol
>BTW used it as an American in his art.
>All what you could do is talking about good art or bad art. But you can't start
>to forbid thoughts or art!
>Know what I mean?
>I tell you something and also to all the supporters of your position and also to
>You all will be very sorry soon when you realise that Chrilly a good collegue of
>yours took you all for a ride. But I fear he couldn't expect the reaction of
>unexperienced experts. Art! Art! Art!
>Or is art forbidden if it's against war?
>Yes, that would please certaqin Americans who also hid  Picasso's masterpiece
>Guernica!!!! That is the democracy we all dreamed of!
>Chrilly's little postcards are to be seen in that tradition, Bruce & all.

Here's some art for you:

Fuck you.


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