Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Rook Sacrifice and a deadly fail low

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 15:07:56 03/06/04

Go up one level in this thread

On March 06, 2004 at 17:06:23, GeoffW wrote:

>Here is a position I found interesting, white has just played Rf6, black to move
>[D]r3qnk1/rb2bppp/4pR2/pp1pP1PP/2pP3N/P1P1P1Q1/1PB5/4B1RK b - - 0 1
>My programs analysis for this position is horrid
>Ply  Eval   Time      Nodes   Principle Variation
> 1    433      0         17   g7f6 e5f6
> 2    433      0        290   g7f6 e5f6
> 3-   393      1       4782   g7f6
> 3    204      1       8053   e7a3 b2a3 g7f6 e5f6
> 4    204      3      18575   e7a3 b2a3 g7f6 e5f6
> 5    204      6      44876   e7f6 g5f6 g7g6 h4f3 f8d7 h5g6 h7g6
> 6    192     10      97670   e7f6 e5f6 g7g6 h5g6 h7g6 h4f3
> 7    194     21     193103   e7f6 e5f6 g7g6 h4f3 a8d8 h5g6 h7g6
> 8    187     60     564304   e7f6 e5f6 g7g6 h4f3 g6h5 g3h4 f8d7 h4h5
> 9    188    132    1263805   e7f6 e5f6 g7g6 h4f3 f8d7 e1d2 a8b8 g3h2 e8d8
>10    176    396    3783030   e7f6 e5f6 g7g6 h4f3 f8d7 g3h2 a8d8 e1g3 d7b6 f3e5
>11    176    942    8062241   e7f6 e5f6 g7g6 h4f3 e8c6 g3h2 f8d7 e1g3 a8d8 f3e5
>d7e5 g3e5
>12-   136   3984   35236639   e7f6
>12    102  144954  868931003   b5b4 a3b4 a5b4 f6f4 a7a2 g3g2 b4b3 c2b1 a2a1 e1d2
>f8d7 e3e4
>It firstly thinks it has won a rook by taking it with Pxf6, then it realises
>this is bad, and avoids the Rook sacrifice by coming up with its own weird
>bishop sacrifice Bxa3. Two plies later then decides it had better take the rook
>after all with the obvious looking Bxf6. It takes 40 seconds to get to ply 12
>before it realises that this is also a hopeless losing move.
>Then it takes almost 25 minutes to resolve the fail low with a branching factor
>of 24 !!
>I am not sure why it struggles to resolve this specific fail low so badly, this
>is probably the trickiest fail low I have seen so far, at least for my program.
>It was taking so long I was convinced it was locking up in an infinite search
>bug. I guess it probably isnt a bug as it finally does come up with a reasonable
>move, all be it far too late.
>What do other programs make of this, daresay Crafty et al. will have it all
>worked out and resolved in about 5 seconds flat ;-(
>P.S it finally managed ply 13 as I was typing this up
>13    102  327723 2072998497   b5b4 a3b4 a5b4 f6f2 b4b3 c2b1 f8d7 e1d2 a7a1 h5h6
>g7g6 h4f3 a8a7
>54 minutes to decide white is a pawn up after avoiding the sac.
>         Regards Geoff

Interesting position.  I would like to be white here, for sure.  Great space
advantage and extremely dangerous king attack possibilities.

Most top engines seem to go through similar ideas about the position as yours

What sort of hardware were you using?

What sort of techniques are used in your chess engine?

Some strong engines take a look:

Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: 180 Seconds
Analyzing engine: Amy-net-087

    Searching move:
    Best move (Amy-net-087): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00
    2   00:00  0.00   1. .. gxf6?
    2   00:00 -2.50   1. .. gxf6 2. gxf6+ Kh8
    2   00:00  0.00   1. .. Bxf6!
    2   00:00 -3.18   1. .. Bxf6 2. exf6
    3   00:00  0.00   1. .. Bxf6?
    3   00:00 -2.70   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6
    3   00:00  0.00   1. .. Bxa3!
    3   00:00 -2.78   1. .. Bxa3 2. bxa3 gxf6
    4   00:00  0.00   1. .. Bxa3?
    4   00:00 -2.22   1. .. Bxa3 2. Rf2 Bxb2 3. Bxh7+ Nxh7
    4   00:00  0.00   1. .. Bxf6!
    4   00:00 -2.51   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf3
    5   00:00 -2.60   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7
    6   00:00 -2.43   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. Nf3
    7   00:00 -2.49   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. Nf3 Rd8
    8   00:01 -2.30   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. hxg6 hxg6 5. Nf3
    9   00:01 -2.08   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. Qh6 Qf8 5. Qxf8+ Rxf8
6. Nf3
   10   00:03 -2.11   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. Qh6 Qf8 5. Qxf8+ Rxf8
6. Nf3 Re8
   11   00:03  0.00   1. .. Bxf6?
   11   00:05 -0.01   1. .. Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. hxg6 hxg6 5. Bxg6 Qf8
6. Bh7+ Kxh7 7. Rg7+
   11   00:16  0.00   1. .. b4!
   11   00:50 -1.48   1. .. b4 2. Rff1 bxa3 3. g6 fxg6 4. hxg6 h6 5. bxa3 Bxa3
6. Rf7 Nd7 7. Qf4
   3/6/2004 2:39:43 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 03:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:39:45 PM, Total time: 12:03:04 AM
Rated time: 03:00 = 180 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Aristarch 4.41

    Searching move:
    Best move (Aristarch 4.41): Bb7-a6
    Not found in: 03:00
    2   00:01  0.17   g7xf6 g5xf6+ Kg8h8
    2+  00:01  0.18   Be7xf6 g5xf6
    2+  00:01  0.38   Be7xf6 g5xf6
    2   00:01  2.59   Be7xf6 g5xf6
    3-  00:01  2.17   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g5
    3   00:01  1.89   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6
    4-  00:01  1.47   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4
    4   00:01  1.32   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4
    5-  00:01  0.90   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg3f4
    5   00:01  0.40   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 Bb7c6
    5+  00:01  0.41   Bb7c6 Rf6f1 g7g6
    5+  00:01  0.41   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 Bc2b1
    5+  00:01  0.61   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 Bc2b1
    5   00:01  1.29   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 Be1c3
    6-  00:01  0.87   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 g5g6 Be7xh4 g6xf7+ Kg8h8
    6   00:01  0.85   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 Be7xh4
    6+  00:01  0.86   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 f7xg6 Qg3g5 Qe8f7
    6+  00:01  1.06   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 f7xg6 Qg3g5 Qe8f7
    6   00:01  1.06   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Bb7c6 Qf4h6
    7-  00:02  0.64   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Bb7c6 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qf4h6
    7   00:02  0.33   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Kg8h8 h5xg6 Nf8xg6 Nh4xg6+ h7xg6
Qf4h6+ Kh8g8
    7+  00:02  0.34   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 f7xg6 Nh4xg6 a3xb2
    7+  00:02  0.54   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 f7xg6 Nh4xg6 a3xb2
    7   00:02  0.63   b5b4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 f7xg6 Bc2b1
    8   00:03  0.68   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Rf6f2 b4xa3 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 f7f5
    8+  00:03  0.69   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4
    9   00:04  0.65   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Bb7c6 h5xg6 f7xg6 Qf4h6 Qe8f7
   10-  00:06  0.23   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Bb7c6 Qf4h6 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6
Nh4xg6 f7xg6
   10   00:06 -2.06   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Bc2xg6 Qe8f8
Bg6b1+ Kg8h8 Rg1g7
   10+  00:06 -2.05   b5b4 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 Be7xf6 e5xf6 Nf8xg6 f6xg7 b4xa3
b2xa3 Kg8xg7
   10+  00:07 -1.85   b5b4 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 Be7xf6 e5xf6 Nf8xg6 f6xg7 b4xa3
b2xa3 Kg8xg7 Nh4xg6
   10   00:09  0.45   b5b4 g5g6 f7xg6 h5xg6 h7h6 Rf6f7 b4xa3 b2xa3 Bb7c6 Rg1f1
Kg8h8 Qg3g4
   11   00:23  0.56   b5b4 g5g6 f7xg6 h5xg6 h7h6 Rf6f7 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 Rg1f1
Ba3e7 Bc2a4 Bb7c6
   12-  00:44  0.14   b5b4 g5g6 f7xg6 Nh4xg6 Be7xf6 e5xf6 h7xg6 f6xg7 Kg8xg7
Qg3e5+ Kg7g8 Bc2xg6 Nf8xg6 Rg1xg6+ Kg8f8 Qe5g7+
   12   01:12 -0.43   b5b4 Rg1f1 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 h7xg6
Nh4xg6 Nf8xg6 Bc2xg6 Qe8f8 Bg6e4+ Kg8h8
   12+  01:25 -0.42   Bb7c6 Rf6f2 b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 Be7xh4
Qg3xh4 b4xa3 g6xf7+ Ra7xf7 Bc2g6 Nf8xg6 Rg1xg6
   12+  01:29 -0.22   Bb7c6 Rf6f2 b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 g5g6 h7xg6 h5xg6 Be7xh4
Qg3xh4 b4xa3 g6xf7+ Ra7xf7 Bc2g6 Nf8xg6 Rg1xg6
   12   01:38 -0.17   Bb7c6 Rf6f2 b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 g5g6 f7xg6 h5xg6 h7h6 Be1xb4
Be7xb4 a3xb4 Qe8b8 Rf2f7
   12+  02:04 -0.16   Bb7c8 Rf6f2 b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4
   12+  02:22 -0.16   Bb7a6 Rf6f1 g7g6 h5xg6 h7xg6 Rg1g2 b5b4 c3xb4
   3/6/2004 2:42:53 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 06:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:42:54 PM, Total time: 12:06:13 AM
Rated time: 06:00 = 360 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: DeepSjeng

    Searching move:
    Best move (DeepSjeng): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00
    3   00:00  1.48   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5
    4   00:00  1.76   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Ra8d8
    5   00:00  1.77   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Ra8d8 Nh4f3 Nf8d7
    6   00:00  1.71   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Ra8d8 Nh4f3 Kg8h8 Be1g3 g6xh5
    7   00:00  1.76   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 Nh4f3 Ra8d8 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8-  00:00  1.36   Be7xf6
    8   00:02 -3.36   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 h5xg6 f7xg6 Bc2xg6 h7xg6
Rg1xg6+ Qe8xg6 Nh4xg6 Kg8f7
    8   00:04  1.34   b5b4 g5g6 f7xg6 h5xg6 h7h6 Rf6f4 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 Rg1f1
    9   00:08  1.30   b5b4 g5g6 f7xg6 h5xg6 h7h6 Rf6f4 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 Rg1f1
Kg8h8 Rf4f7
   10-  00:12  0.90   b5b4
   10   00:23  0.17   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Qe8b5 Rf6f2 Qb5xb4
h5h6 Ra7a1 h6xg7 Kg8xg7 Bc2b1
   11   00:50  0.02   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Qe8b5 Rf6f2 Qb5xb4
h5h6 Ra7a2 h6xg7 Kg8xg7 Rg1f1 Ra2xb2 Rf2xf7+ Kg7h8
   12   02:07 -0.04   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Ra7a1 Rf6f2 Qe8e7
h5h6 Nf8g6 h6xg7 Kg8xg7 Rg1f1 Kg7h8 Nh4xg6+ f7xg6 b4b5
   3/6/2004 2:46:05 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 09:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:46:07 PM, Total time: 12:09:26 AM
Rated time: 09:00 = 540 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Delfi-440

    Searching move:
    Best move (Delfi-440): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00
    2   00:00 -0.84   gxf6. gxf6+ Kh8. fxe7 Qxe7.
    2   00:00 -1.03   b4. Rf4 bxa3.
    2   00:00 -1.61   Bxf6. gxf6
    3   00:00 -1.19   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. hxg6 hxg6.
    4   00:00 -1.06   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qg5
    5   00:00 -1.09   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qg5 Bc6. hxg6 hxg6.
    6   00:00 -0.93   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. hxg6 hxg6. Qg5
    7   00:00 -0.89   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qf4 Bc6. Qh6 Rd8. hxg6 hxg6.
    8   00:01 -0.78   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qf4 Rd8. hxg6 hxg6. Qh6
    9   00:01 -0.74   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qf4 Nd7. hxg6 hxg6. Qh6 Rd8.
   10   00:02 -0.74   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qf4 Nd7. Nf3 Qf8. hxg6 hxg6. Ng5
   11   00:04 -0.86   Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qg5 Nd7. Rg2 Qf8. hxg6 hxg6. Rh2 Rd8.
   12   00:11  1.93   Bxf6?. gxf6 g6. Qf4 Nd7. hxg6 hxg6. Qh6 Nxf6. exf6 Qf8.
   12   00:13  1.83   b4...
   12   00:34 -0.09   b4!. axb4 Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qg5 Nd7. b5 Nb6. Qh6 Qf8. Qg5
   13   01:27 -0.27   b4. axb4 Bxf6. gxf6 g6. Qg5 Nd7. b5 Nb6. Qh6 Qf8. Qg5 h6.
   14   02:59  0.19   b4?. axb4 axb4. Rf2 b3. Bb1 Ra1. Bd2 R1a2. Bxa2 bxa2. Ra1
Qd8. Qf4 Qe8.
   3/6/2004 2:49:14 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 12:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:49:15 PM, Total time: 12:12:34 AM
Rated time: 12:00 = 720 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Dragon_45

    Searching move:
    Best move (Dragon_45): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00

   Temps restant : 0 secondes Temps limite : 1000000 secondes Temps limite
absolu : 1000000 secondes
    5   00:00  1.63   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Ra8d8
    6   00:00  1.49   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Ra8d8 Qg5h6
    7-  00:01  1.08   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Ra8d8 Qg5h6 Qe8c6
    7   00:01  1.08   Be7xf6 e3e4
    7+  00:01  1.10   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 h5h6 g7xf6 g5xf6+ Nf8g6 f6xe7 b4xa3 e3e4
    7   00:02  1.10   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Nf8g6 h5xg6 Kg8h8
    8   00:05  1.02   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 a3xb4 Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 Nf8xg6
    9   00:13  0.90   b5b4 g5g6 f7xg6 h5xg6 h7h6 Rf6f7 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 Rg1f1
   10-  00:23  0.50   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Bb7c6 Rf6f3 Ra7a2
g5g6 Ra2a6
   10   00:28  0.16   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Qe8b5 Rf6f2 Qb5xb4
h5h6 g7g6 Rg1b1
   10+  00:41  0.51   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 Nf8xg6 Nh4xg6 h7xg6 e3e4
   10   00:42  0.74   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6 Nf8xg6 Nh4xg6 h7xg6 Bc2xg6 f7xg6
Qg3xg6+ Qe8xg6 Rg1xg6+ Kg8f8 Rg6g7 Ra8d8
   11-  00:49  0.34   Be7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Kg8xh7 g5xf6 g7g6 h5xg6+ Nf8xg6 Nh4xg6 a5a4
Qg3h4+ Kh7g8 Ng6h8+ Kg8f8
   11   00:59 -0.97   Be7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Nf8xh7 g5xf6 Qe8f8 Qg3xg7+ Qf8xg7 Rg1xg7+
Kg8h8 Rg7xf7 Bb7a6 Rf7xa7 Ra8xa7 Nh4g6+ Kh8g8 h5h6 Ra7f7 Be1h4 Ba6b7
   11   01:23  0.22   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Qe8b5 Rf6f2 Qb5xb4
h5h6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Qb4xb2
   3/6/2004 2:52:23 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 15:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:52:24 PM, Total time: 12:15:43 AM
Rated time: 15:00 = 900 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: ELChinito 3.25

    Searching move:
    Best move (ELChinito 3.25): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00
    7   00:01  1.21   Bxf6 gxf6 g6 Qg5 Nd7 Qh6 Qf8 Qxf8+ Kxf8 Kg2
    8   00:01  0.87   Bxf6 gxf6 g6 Qf4 Nd7 hxg6 hxg6 Nxg6 fxg6 Rxg6+ Kh8
    9   00:03 -0.04   Bxf6 gxf6 g6 Qf4 Nd7 hxg6 hxg6 Nxg6 fxg6 Rxg6+ Kf7 Bh4
    9   00:06  0.36   b4
    9   00:10  1.00   b4 g6 fxg6 hxg6 h6 Rf7 bxa3 bxa3 Bxa3 Rgf1 Bc1
   10   00:23  0.67   b4 cxb4 axb4 Bxb4 Bxb4 axb4 gxf6 gxf6+ Ng6 hxg6 fxg6 Nxg6
hxg6 Bxg6
   11   01:15  0.80   b4 g6 fxg6 hxg6 h6 Rf7 bxa3 bxa3 Bxa3 Rgf1 Bc6 Qh3 Rxf7
   3/6/2004 2:55:31 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 18:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:55:32 PM, Total time: 12:18:51 AM
Rated time: 18:00 = 1080 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Glc300

    Searching move:
    Best move (Glc300): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00
    2   00:00  4.10   gxf6 {--} 2. gxf6+ Kh8 3. fxe7
    2   00:00  1.60   gxf6 2. gxf6+ Kh8 3. fxe7 Qxe7
    2   00:00  2.13   Bxf6 2. gxf6
    3   00:00  1.79   Bxa3 2. bxa3 gxf6 3. gxf6+
    4   00:00  1.51   Bxa3 2. bxa3 gxf6 3. gxf6+ Kh8
    5   00:00  1.48   b4 2. Rf2 bxa3 3. bxa3 Bxa3 4. h6 g6
    6   00:00  1.48   Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. Rg5
    7   00:00  1.32   Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. hxg6 hxg6 5. Rg5
    8   00:01  1.12   Bxf6 2. gxf6 g6 3. Qf4 Nd7 4. hxg6 hxg6 5. Nxg6 fxg6 6.
    9   00:05  0.97   b4 2. cxb4 axb4 3. axb4 Bxf6 4. gxf6 g6 5. hxg6 hxg6 6.
Qf2 Ra1 7. Rg5
   10   00:10  0.57   b4 {--} 2. cxb4 axb4 3. axb4 Bxf6 4. gxf6 g6 5. Qf4 Ra1 6.
Qh6 Kh8 7. hxg6
   10   00:12  0.57   b4 {++} 2. cxb4 axb4 3. axb4 Bxf6 4. gxf6 g6 5. Qf4 Nd7 6.
hxg6 {ht}
   10   00:14  0.60   b4 2. cxb4 axb4 3. axb4 Bxf6 4. gxf6 g6 5. Qf4 Nd7 6. hxg6
hxg6 7. Nxg6 fxg6 8. Bxg6
   11   00:38  0.60   b4 2. cxb4 axb4 3. axb4 Bxf6 4. gxf6 g6 5. Qf4 Nd7 6. hxg6
hxg6 7. Nxg6 fxg6 8. Bxg6
   12   02:43  0.20   b4 {--} 2. cxb4 axb4 3. axb4 Bxf6 4. gxf6 g6 5. Qf4 Nd7 6.
hxg6 hxg6 7. Nxg6 fxg6 8. Rxg6+ Kf7 9. Rg7+ Kf8 10. Bc3
   3/6/2004 2:58:38 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 21:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 2:58:40 PM, Total time: 12:21:59 AM
Rated time: 21:00 = 1260 Seconds


Analysis from E:\am.epd
3/6/2004 2:36:40 PM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Gothmog

    Searching move:
    Best move (Gothmog): b5-b4
    Not found in: 03:00
    2   00:00  1.37   Be7xf6 g5xf6
    3   00:00  1.10   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6
    4   00:00  0.64   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4
    5   00:00  0.87   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7
    6-  00:00  0.85   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6-  00:00  0.84   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6-  00:00  0.81   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6-  00:00  0.73   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6+  00:00  0.59   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6+  00:00  0.60   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6-  00:00  0.65   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6-  00:00  0.64   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6+  00:00  0.62   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    6   00:00  0.64   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    7-  00:01  0.62   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3f4 Nf8d7 e3e4
    7-  00:01  0.60   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6
    7-  00:01  0.57   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6
    7-  00:01  0.50   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6
    7-  00:01  0.34   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6
    7+  00:02  0.09   Kg8h8 Rf6f4
    7+  00:04  0.10   b5b4 a3xb4 a5xb4 Rf6f2 Ra7a2 h5h6 g7g6
    7+  00:04  0.17   b5b4 a3xb4 a5xb4 Rf6f2 Ra7a2 h5h6 g7g6
    7-  00:04  0.29   b5b4 Rf6f4 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 h5h6 g7g6 e3e4
    7-  00:04  0.28   b5b4 Rf6f4 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 h5h6 g7g6 e3e4
    7-  00:04  0.25   b5b4 Rf6f4 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 h5h6 g7g6 e3e4
    7   00:04  0.17   b5b4 Rf6f4 b4xa3 b2xa3 Be7xa3 h5h6 g7g6 e3e4
    8+  00:05  0.17   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8+  00:05  0.18   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8+  00:05  0.25   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8-  00:07  0.37   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8-  00:07  0.35   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8-  00:07  0.32   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8+  00:07  0.26   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8+  00:07  0.28   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8-  00:07  0.31   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    8   00:08  0.29   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    9-  00:11  0.28   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    9-  00:12  0.26   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    9-  00:12  0.23   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    9-  00:17  0.15   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
    9   00:21  0.01   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
   10-  00:38  0.00   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
   10-  00:40 -0.02   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
   10-  00:52 -0.05   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
   10-  01:00 -0.13   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
   10-  01:16 -0.29   Be7xf6 g5xf6 g7g6 Qg3g5 Nf8d7 h5xg6 h7xg6 Qg5h6 Qe8f8
   10+  01:31 -0.54   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 g7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Kg8xh7
g5xf6 Nf8g6 h5xg6+ f7xg6
   10+  01:32 -0.52   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 g7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Kg8xh7
g5xf6 Nf8g6 h5xg6+ f7xg6
   10+  01:35 -0.46   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 g7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Kg8xh7
g5xf6 Nf8g6 h5xg6+ f7xg6
   10-  01:44 -0.33   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 g7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Kg8xh7
g5xf6 Nf8g6 h5xg6+ f7xg6
   10-  01:48 -0.35   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 g7xf6 Bc2xh7+ Kg8xh7
g5xf6 Nf8g6 h5xg6+ f7xg6
   10+  01:55 -0.36   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Ra7a2 Rf6f2 Kg8h8
   10   01:56 -0.35   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Ra7a2 Rf6f2 Kg8h8
   11-  02:55 -0.36   b5b4 c3xb4 a5xb4 Be1xb4 Be7xb4 a3xb4 Ra7a2 Rf6f2 Kg8h8
   3/6/2004 3:01:47 PM, Time for this analysis: 00:03:00, Rated time: 24:00

0 of 1 matching moves
3/6/2004 3:01:48 PM, Total time: 12:25:08 AM
Rated time: 24:00 = 1440 Seconds

This page took 0.01 seconds to execute

Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

Current Computer Chess Club Forums at Talkchess. This site by Sean Mintz.