Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Collector's Corner..The Mother Of All Rare Dedicated Chess Computers

Author: Erik Stillum

Date: 12:20:20 10/23/05

Go up one level in this thread

Very interesting album.  The Nigel Short was sold on Ebay a few weeks ago.  I
had never heard about it before and did not bid on it.  Some of the computers I
had never even heard about.  What about including the Excel Mach IV (6110), if
only just for my ego :-)).

Regards from Norway where the chess computer season now really starts soon.
Today the first snow fell...


On October 23, 2005 at 11:53:20, Steve B wrote:

>Rarity is a term that is heard  frequently when collecting the old computers
>i have given my definition several times on these pages
>IMO,limited production and high defect rates are the two single principal
>determinates in considering if a computer is Ultra rare
>while many computers are expensive this does not indicate rarity
>a prime example of this would be the Tasc R30 which sold for $2000 when first
>released but several thousand were sold
>an example of computer's  that are Ultra rare due to high defect rates would be
>the Novag Robot Adversary, Savants and Fidelity Travel Master
>all of these computers sold in large quantities but it is almost impossible to
>find examples of them today in perfectly working condition
>on the World Famous site of Austrian collector Kurt Kispert there is a page for
>"Rare" computers
>however many of these computers are not really all that rare and many rare
>computers do not appear on the  page
>indeed Kurt himself told me he considers the selection there more of a
>collection of "Interesting" computers then rare ones
>i have set up an Album for what I consider to be the most rare computers,modules
>and auxiliary items in my collection
>the listing is not in any particular order and is only MY opinion of the rarest
>items in my collection
>Ultra Rare Collection:
>Kurts Rare Page:
>Best Regards

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