Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: For fans to the dedicated chess computers and Steve

Author: alcides fuentes

Date: 12:47:42 12/27/05


I have done a match of seven games among Saitek Turbo King and Radio Shack Chess
Champion 2150L, and the result is of 3.5-3.5 respectively, with with three
victories and for each one and one draw. With this test I have been able to
verify the program of both computers is different, the program of the Turbo King
is the same  of the original Chess Champion 2150(without the L) of Radio Shack,
and the creator of said program was Julio Kaplan, on the other hand, the program
of the "Chess Champion 2150L" itself who is not, is possible that be Franz

A greeting and I expect its comments.


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