Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: For fans to the dedicated chess computers and Steve

Author: Thomas McBurney

Date: 03:42:43 12/28/05

Go up one level in this thread

>I have done a match of seven games among Saitek Turbo King and Radio Shack Chess
>Champion 2150L, and the result is of 3.5-3.5 respectively, with with three
>victories and for each one and one draw. With this test I have been able to
>verify the program of both computers is different, the program of the Turbo King
>is the same  of the original Chess Champion 2150(without the L) of Radio Shack,
>and the creator of said program was Julio Kaplan, on the other hand, the program
>of the "Chess Champion 2150L" itself who is not, is possible that be Franz

I have the Chess Champion 2150L and I read somewhere that the 'L' means it has a
library function.  Strange then, my Chess Champion 2150L does not have a library
function and the manual makes no mention of a library function either.  So
what's going on here?  I assume overseas models are slightly different?  Mine
was purchased in Australia.  I'm tempted to open it up to see what micro chips I
have in the thing.

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