Author: Brian Richardson
Date: 07:40:31 04/24/00
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Move generation very much like Crafty, except with simple nand test instead of rotated, precomputed vectors with (occupied) piece combinations. Also, use vcinline.h (see Crafty source) for very fast first/last bit implementation using bsr/bsf. Again, like somewhat slower eval tradeoff vs movegen, combining bishops and queens may hurt some if I ever do SEE... froms=tree->wbishopsqueens; while(froms) { f=LastOne(froms); tos=And(bishopto[f],targets); while (tos) { t=LastOne(tos); if (Nand(Allpieces,nopieces[f][t])) { gen_push(f,t); } Clear(t,tos); } Clear(f,froms); }
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