Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: How make Fritz execute brute force search?

Author: blass uri

Date: 14:12:02 07/26/00

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On July 26, 2000 at 16:59:35, leonid wrote:

>On July 26, 2000 at 13:40:32, Tom Kerrigan wrote:
>>On July 26, 2000 at 09:18:41, leonid wrote:
>>>How ask Fritz execute brute force search? I have Fritz 6 but if it is possible
>>>for some other version (even better DOS version), please say me.
>>>Recently I went to see Fritz nodes per second performance. Very impressive! Only
>>>maybe I am missing exact numbers. NPS tend to grow when search is done by brute
>>>force. This is why I try to find where Fritz numbers stays in real. But Fritz,
>>>in dispite of its performance, is not exactly open minded piece of software.
>>>Even its NPS I was able to see only through my Hiarcs 7.32 program.
>>>Thanks in advance,
>>My search is selective only because of null-move. I believe this is also the
>>case with Fritz.
>>With null move on, my program searches 634k NPS. (BK, short searches)
>On what hardware do you have 634k? I was very impressed with Fritz numbers only
>because they were between 220 and 320k on AMD 400Mhz. Your numbers are almost
>twice as fast.
>On the same hardware average NPS for other best programs were, for similar
>positions, between 140 and 180k. I see that you are more that lucky with
>>With null move off, it searches 655k NPS.
>>The difference is 3.3%.
>Good to know that this difference is negligeable.
>>Basically, I wouldn't worry how much faster Fritz is without null move, for
>>three reasons:
>>1) The difference is probably pretty insignificant
>>2) You'd never want to run Fritz without null move in real-world situations
>>3) You didn't write Fritz
>With few exceptions (Hiarcs is the most flagrant one) I found that NPS is good
>indicative of the strength of the chess program. Inside of Hiarcs package (tried
>only few positions) Crafty had the best NPS immediately after Fritz. It is
>probably the most strong engin after Fritz as well.

Junior searches more nps than Crafty but there are other strong programs with
less nps(Chessmaster6000 or shredder4 are good examples).


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