Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: CTT-3 / Ferret and other engines

Author: Hannu Wegner

Date: 10:19:52 05/29/01

Go up one level in this thread

On May 28, 2001 at 15:27:39, Mogens Larsen wrote:

>On May 28, 2001 at 14:29:33, Jonas Cohonas wrote:
>>I would love to see ferret avaiable too, and would be more than happy to pay 50+
>>bucks for it, anyone else feel like me(on this subject :-)?
>Not me. I actually find the idea of programs being unavailable to anyone except
>the author to be quite appealing. Not the usual ambition of making a quick buck
>whenever there's a chance or for the select few as charmware. My hope is that
>Bruce keeps Ferret as a strictly private enterprise. A strong mystery engine
>only adds to the excitement of computer chess, not the opposite.

Don't you think that it would be much more exciting to use Ferret? Just to hide
this "mystery" engine makes no sense in my point of view (just my opinion). I
hope this does'nt sound like an offence. But I just don't understand the big
deal in keeping this program private. For programs which are still in
developement (not ready to publish) I would understand this behavier. But Ferret
is a different matter. Ferret is obviously one of the strongest programs on
earth. It would be very easy to sell just the engine (without work).

On the other hand it could be an idea to become a world-champion first and to
sell the programm to Microsoft. :-)) What do you think?

Best Greetings,
Hannu Wegner

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