Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Mate to solve for good program.

Author: John Merlino

Date: 10:51:05 06/07/01

Go up one level in this thread

On June 07, 2001 at 10:41:29, leonid wrote:

>This position is not that difficult, not even deep. Only reason for saying that
>it is for "good program" is the few other positions, very close to this, were
>solved only by Heiner mate solver.
>[D]qQrq4/BPNB4/nqqQ4/kqbbNRRK/nqqQ4/PqPP4/qQrQ4/8 w - -
>Please indicate your result.

Well, CM8000 announces Mate in 10 in just under 5 minutes on my PIII-600, but I
would be surprised if that was the optimal solution:

Time	Depth	Score	Positions	Moves
0:03	1/3	1.54	155615		1. axb4+ Q5xb4 2. cxb4+ Qcxb4 3.
					Q4xb4+ Q6xb4 4. Nxc6+ Bxc6 5. Qxb4+
					Nxb4 6. bxc8=Q Qxb8 7. Bxb8
0:14	1/4	3.03	746627		1. axb4+ Qcxb4 2. Qxb4+ Q3xb4 3.
					cxb4+ Bxb4 4. Nxc6+ Q6xc6 5. bxa8=Q
					Qxb2 6. Qaxc6 Qxc6 7. Bxc6 Rxc6
0:55	2/5	8.32	2961826		1. axb4+ Qcxb4 2. Bxb6+ Nxb6 3.
					cxb4+ Ka4 4. bxc5+ Nc4 5. Nxc6
					Qh8+ 6. Qxh8 Rxh8+ 7. Q2xh8 Qaxb7
4:51	2/6	Mate10	16644571	1. axb4+ Qcxb4 2. Qxb4+ Bxb4 3.
					cxb4+ Q5xb4 4. Nxc6+ Qxc6 5. Q2xb4+
					Qxb4 6. Qbxb4+ Nxb4 7. Bb6+ Qxb6
					8. bxa8=Q+ Na6 9. Qbxb6+ Nxb6 10.

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