Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: is the

Author: Komputer Korner

Date: 05:27:50 07/31/98

Go up one level in this thread

On July 30, 1998 at 12:58:39, Torstein Hall wrote:

>I have run Win 98 for nearly two weaks now and it have kept on running like a
>clockwork for two weaks now. And I have used it for games, chess, wordprosesing,
>drawing etc. Perhaps its the best bug fix I ever paid for!
>( Win 95 used to crash about once every week or so. )

I agree that WIN 95 crashes a lot, but it has been unfairly maligned about its
virtual cache and RAM grabbing. If you have enough RAM you will see that there
is no difference between WIN 95 and WIN NT in the anount of RAM that is grabbed
for the virtual  cache on the same machine. I have a dual boot setup and both
operating systems grab about 20 Mb of RAM for the virtual cache (lots more of
the hard disk also).  The problems everybody has been reporting are because of
the small RAM they are using. For chess programs you need at least 128 Mb of RAM
and then you can load 64Mb of hash tables ( up to 88-90Mb if the program
allocates this amount).
Komputer Korner

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