Author: Vincent Diepeveen
Date: 07:55:52 05/09/05
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On May 08, 2005 at 23:44:31, Andrew Shapira wrote: >What's best known (the smallest) upper bound on the number of legal moves, taken >over all chess positions? An obvious bound is 9*7*4+2*14+2*14+2*8+8 = 332. >This comes from 9 queens, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 1 king. Is a >better bound known? 220 moves is theoretic maximum. I managed myself to not construct a position with more than 216 moves, a year or 12 ago, a few years later when i tried once i came to 218 moves. In Diep for safety reasons i assume 220 to be the maximum. No one will manage ever to construct obviously a position with more than 220 legal moves :) Instead of asking the maximum number of legal moves, you should be more concerned however with the number of semi-legal moves as they can happen in your engine. As we already know the maximum number of moves are in positions with a king in the corner, Obviously the theoretic limit for that is 225 moves. Vincent
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