Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Multi-Fritz with Boss versus IM R. Vasquez

Author: blass uri

Date: 19:43:36 03/09/99

Go up one level in this thread

On March 09, 1999 at 19:00:34, Ingo Althofer wrote:

>In Santiago a match on four games is played between IM Rodrigo Vasquez (Elo
>2433, number two in Chile, after IGM Morovic) and a man-machine-combination
>consisting of Fritz 5 (16 bit version) and this reporter. In this combination
>Fritz is run in some k-best mode (typically k = 2 or 3 ), and the human (=me)

I think that Fritz may miss a third move when you use 2-best mode because Fritz
is slower with the 2-best mode.

I think that a better idea is to use the 1-best mode and only if you do not like
the move of Fritz to use 2-best mode.

I think that it is a good idea to check if Fritz5 without help is better than
the man-machine combination.

You can play a match between the man-combination and the original Fritz5 and see
if the man-machine combination can beat Fritz5 and if it has better results than
Fritz5 against other programs.

If I had to prepare to the match when I am the man in the man-machine
combination then I would try to do it because I want to be productive to the
computer and I am afraid that without preperation I would be counter productive.


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