Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Counting & Encoding Any Chess Position in 157 bits

Author: blass uri

Date: 08:36:33 11/10/99

Go up one level in this thread

On November 10, 1999 at 10:09:33, Ratko V Tomic wrote:
>Namely, for sampling to work here at all, in order to generate
>a "fair sample" of positions, you would have to have a good _model_ of what a
>"fair sample" here is, i.e. how much material of which kind should you put in.
>For example, it's not enough to pick a uniform odds for counts for pieces

I did not think to pick a uniform odds for counts for pieces.

It is possible to calculate the probability of every material
configuration and choose 1000 random material configuration with these
probabilities and after it to choose random position from everyone of the
material configuration.

The best way to do it is to use an array with these many numbers.

You need to have almost 50 digits in the numbers and I am not expert in using
long numbers in programs but it is possible to do it.

If you have enough memory it is even possible to do it relatively fast(you can
use an array of sum of probabilities and for every random numbernumber to find
quickly the 2 numbers it is between them,you need only something like
log(100,000,000) steps for every random number).


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