Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: EinStein wuerfelt nicht - Challenge Game

Author: Theo van der Storm

Date: 23:55:31 03/05/05

Go up one level in this thread

On March 05, 2005 at 22:27:08, Ingo Althofer wrote:
>On March 05, 2005 at 15:27:10, Theo van der Storm wrote:
>"at 15:27:10", so you rolled 4 = 10 mod 6 for me.
>I capture your 4 with my 4. (Moving the 4 to b2
was the other interesting candidate here.)
>The new position is:
>-- -- y2 -- --
>x1 -- -- -- --
>-- -- x6 -- --
>-- -- x4 y6 y1
>-- -- -- -- y5
>          Theo

8 mod 6 = 2. I have no choice.

x1 x6 x3 -- --
x5 x2 -- -- --
x4 -- -- -- y2
-- -- -- y3 y1
-- -- y4 y6 y5}
1. 1a5xa4 6d1xd2
2. 5b5xb4 3e3-d4
3. 4a3-b3 3d4xc5
4. 6b4-c3 4c1-c2
5. 4b3xc2 2c5-b5

>The new position is:
>-- y2 -- -- --
>x1 -- -- -- --
>-- -- x6 -- --
>-- -- x4 y6 y1
>-- -- -- -- y5
>          Theo


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