Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Interesting mate test for hashing

Author: jonathon smith

Date: 14:01:58 09/10/99

Go up one level in this thread

On September 10, 1999 at 16:45:59, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On September 10, 1999 at 16:21:48, Alessandro Damiani wrote:
>>On September 10, 1999 at 15:58:45, Ed Schröder wrote:
>>>On September 10, 1999 at 13:17:57, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>On September 10, 1999 at 11:29:04, Alessandro Damiani wrote:
>>>>>On September 10, 1999 at 09:36:51, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>>>On September 10, 1999 at 08:01:35, Alessandro Damiani wrote:
>>>>>>>On September 10, 1999 at 07:48:44, Ed Schröder wrote:
>>>>>>>>On September 10, 1999 at 00:19:37, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Here is an interesting position given to me by Steffen Jakob:
>>>>>>>>> /p/P5p/7p/7P/4kpK/// w
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    8  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    7  | *P|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    6  | P |   |   |   |   |   | *P|   |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    5  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | *P|
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    4  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | P |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    3  |   |   |   |   | *K| *P| K |   |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    2  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>    1  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
>>>>>>>>>       +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>>>>>>>>         a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h
>>>>>>>>>Obviously black is getting crushed.  He has one move, Kh3, which leads to a
>>>>>>>>>mate in 6.  Steffen asked me to try this and Crafty found a mate in 4, which
>>>>>>>>>doesn't exist.  I spent the entire day debugging this thing and here is what
>>>>>>>>>I found:
>>>>>>>>>If you recall the discussion here a couple of weeks ago, I reported that I store
>>>>>>>>>absolute mate scores (EXACT scores) in the hash table, and that I adjust them
>>>>>>>>>so that they are always stored as "mate in N from the current position".  This
>>>>>>>>>has always worked flawlessly for me, and still does.
>>>>>>>>>For bounds, I once tried adjusting the bounds as well, but found quirks, and
>>>>>>>>>left them alone.  Wrong answer.  To fix this mate in 4 problem, I decided to
>>>>>>>>>adjust the bounds as well, but I now set any bound value that is larger than
>>>>>>>>>MATE-300, by reducing it to exactly MATE-300, but still using the "LOWER"
>>>>>>>>>flag to say that this is the lowest value this position could have.  For bound
>>>>>>>>>values < -MATE+300, I set them to exactly -MATE+300 and leave the flag as is.
>>>>>>>>>This position is cute.  Because not only is it a mate in 6, but there are
>>>>>>>>>transpositions that lead to mate in 7, mate in 8, and there are shorter (but
>>>>>>>>>non-forced) mates in 4 and 5.  And there are stalemates, and positions with
>>>>>>>>>1 legal move, and so forth.
>>>>>>>>>You ought to find the following variation as one mate in 6:
>>>>>>>>>Kh3, f2, Kg2, Ke2, Kg3, f1=Q, Kh2, g5, hg, Kf3, g6, Qg2#
>>>>>>>>>If you find a shorter mate, it is wrong.  If you find a longer mate, you
>>>>>>>>>are probably just extending like mad on checks (crafty finds a mate in 8 at
>>>>>>>>>shallow depths (9 plies, 2 secs on my PII/300 notebook), and doesn't find the
>>>>>>>>>mate in 6 until depth 10, 3 seconds.
>>>>>>>>>It is a good test as the transpositions are real cute with white's king caught
>>>>>>>>>in a tiny box, but with several different moves that triangulate and transpose
>>>>>>>>>into other variations...
>>>>>>>>>If you get it right, you have either handled the bounds right, or else you are
>>>>>>>>>very lucky.  IE Crafty 16.17 gets this dead right.  But if I disable the eval,
>>>>>>>>>it goes bananas, yet the eval is not important when mate is possible.
>>>>>>>>>Have fun...
>>>>>>>>>I did... :)
>>>>>>>>A simple solution: do not store a position in the hash table if there is
>>>>>>>>no best-move. It solves the mate-cases and also repetition cases. Also
>>>>>>>>there is no speed loss of the search.
>>>>>>>Do you mean by "no best-move"
>>>>>>>  bestmove == 0
>>>>>>>  best<=alpha, after having searched all moves (best: minimax score)?
>>>>>>>What I do:
>>>>>>>  if bestmove == 0 then don't store anything, just return the score (mate or
>>>>>>>  stalemate).
>>>>>>that doesn't make sense to me.  If _every_ move at one node in the tree returns
>>>>>>alpha for the score, which is the best move?  And since you don't have one, you
>>>>>>don't store anything?  That hurts performance, because the next time you
>>>>>>encounter this position, you get to search it again, while I discover that the
>>>>>>last time I searched it I returned alpha, so I can just do that now and not
>>>>>>search anything...
>>>>>No, no. My answer was misleading. What I mean is explained by the following code
>>>>>(the code is simpilied!). I have marked the important things by an "****". It is
>>>>>assumed that
>>>>>  - when the king is removed from board its position is -1 ( < 0)
>>>>>  - alpha, beta < INF
>>>>>int AlphaBeta (int alpha, int beta, int depth) {
>>>>>// legality check:
>>>>>  if (myKingSquare<0) return -INF;
>>>>>  if (depth==0) return Quiescence(alpha,beta);
>>>>>  // here use info from the transposition table
>>>>>  best= -INF; bestmove= 0; startalpha= alpha;
>>>>>  i= 0; n= GenMoves();
>>>>>  while (i!=n && best<beta) {
>>>>>    // m[i] is the current move
>>>>>    make(m[i]);
>>>>>    value= -AlphaBeta(-beta,-alpha,depth-1);
>>>>>    unmake(m[i]);
>>>>>    if (value>best) {
>>>>>      best= value; bestmove= m[i];
>>>>>      if (best>alpha) alpha= best;
>>>>>    };
>>>>>    i++;
>>>>>  };
>>>>>// no best move => mate or stalemate
>>>>>  if (bestmove==0) {
>>>>>    if InCheck(Me) return -MATE+ply;
>>>>>    return STALEMATE;
>>>>>  };
>>>>>  // here update the transposition table
>>>>>  return best;
>>>>Same question as before.  The above simply doesn't work as you think it
>>>>does.  Here is why.
>>>>at ply=N you set best to -inf, and then step thru each move and do a search
>>>>after making it.  And you pass that search a value for alpha and beta that is
>>>>used to terminate the search when it can prove that the score below that move
>>>>is >= beta (which at our ply=N node means the move we tried is <= alpha.)
>>>>So lets assume that after we search the first move, we get a score back that
>>>>is obviously > -infinity, but < alpha.  You remember that move as "best".  But
>>>>the problem here is that the 'proof' search stopped as soon as it found a score
>>>>> beta.  It didn't try _all_ moves to get the largest score > beta, just the
>>>>first score > beta... which is why we refer to the search as returning a bound.
>>>>At least as low, but maybe even lower.
>>>>So you end up with a bunch of random bounds that are all <= alpha, and you take
>>>>the largest one and assume that is the best move and store that move in the hash
>>>>table?  I will run some tests as this is easy to do, but when I tried this a few
>>>>years ago, my tree got _bigger_.  And when I looked into why, I found myself
>>>>searching nonsense moves from the hash table _before_ I got to the winning
>>>>captures (the first of which was a move that would refute the move at the
>>>>previous ply.)
>>>>Easy to test.  I'll supply some data in a bit, just for fun...
>>>For one moment forget about alpha and beta, you are on the wrong track as
>>>alpha and beta are not a part at all of the code. You need an extra stack
>>>that is set to -INF at each ply. Then before you do A/B you do the bestmove
>>>calculation for that ply. Involved variables: SCORE and STACK, no alpha beta.
>>I think the best way to explain is to write a small piece of code in pseudo C,
>>else we talk around the point.
>OK... here is what I did:

Drunken code adjustment inserted ................

>Normal alpha/beta first:

Drunken code added:

>int Search(int alpha, int beta, etc...) {
>  best=-infinity;
   roughbest = -INFINITY;
>  bestmove=0;
   roughbestmove = 0;
>  foreach (move in movelist) {
>    MakeMove();
     roughvalue = StaticEvaluate(-whatever,etc);
>    value=-Search(-beta,-alpha,etc.)
>    if (value > best) {
>      best=value;
>      bestmove=current.move;
>    }
>    if (value > alpha) {
>      if (value >= beta) {
>        return(value);
>      }
>      alpha=value;
>    }
     if (roughvalue > roughbest)
       roughvalue = roughbest;
       roughbestmove = current.move;
>  }
     HastStore(roughbestmove, etc...)
>    HashStore(bestmove,alpha, etc...)
>So what I did was to simply take the score for each search made after trying
>one of the moves at this ply, and remember the 'best' score and associated move.

So what you needed to do was think about having an semi-accurate evaluation
function at each internal node, rather than a search based quiesence score.

>All I am saying is "this does not work".  It is a characteristic of the alpha/
>beta search.  It isn't a "it might work if ..."  it simply won't work.  Because
>the searches below this node (again, assuming this is a fail-low node where _no_
>move produces a score > alpha, which is the case where I claim there is never a
>best move to try here) return a bound on the value for that move.  And I have no
>idea how to choose between a move with a bound <=200 and another move with a
>bound <= 150.  Because the first could have a score well below 200.  I simply
>don't know as I told the search below this node to stop whenever you find a
>score > X, where X is my negated alpha bound.
>Now, we have code.  Did I misunderstand what you are saying?  If not, then I
>can certainly explain further why that 'best' and 'bestmove' above are no good
>in this context.  You can think of "best" as a random number that is <= alpha,
>nothing more.  Which means "bestmove" is a random move chosen from the moves
>searched at this ply.  And that is _not_ the move we want to try first when we
>get back to this position and it is suddenly not a fail-low position where all
>moves have to be tried, but rather it is a fail high position where the best
>move will let us cut off quickly...

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