Author: Fernando Villegas
Date: 17:38:27 04/06/98
Hi Jan: After my previous post, and thinking than perhaps there are more people interested in these antiquarian kind of things, I can add a couple of data to what I already said to you about Chess Challenger 7. It was my first computer -as probably it was for many people here- and I remember I wrote a letter to the technical department -or whatever it was- of Fidelity asking some questions and they answered me kindly with a sheet full of data that sadly I lost many time ago. Nevertheless, I recall that: a) The very first levels did not go beyond two plys search b) The "experienced" level that took 45 seconds in average made a three full width search and was capable of finding some little combinations rather quickly. C) Tournament levels, as I said before, did just 5 plys search, one of them, the ten minutes average time of search, with one more ply of full width than that used 3 minutes. d) The "expert" level took 20 minutes -I was sadomasochistic enough to use that level most of the time- and did as much as 4 plys full width search. e) The postal level could take 24 hours and it did 6 plys search, the firts two selective. The search stopped at around 1 millions moves, the most the little Zilog processor could do with it's tiny 8 bit structure. Non of that levels had any kind of extension search techniques. That is claer looking at the kind of traps CC/ fell and besides this technique was first implemented -at least in micros- by the Spracklen in the I and II sargon programs. Another curiosity for antiquarians: In a movie with Christopher Walken performing as a soldier of fortune, he appears in his sordid apartment playing CC7 surrounded by dust, bugs, pistols and solitude. Bye. fernando
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