Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Can your engine break a position open,if the human wants to play a draw?

Author: Drexel,Michael

Date: 08:50:35 09/16/03

Go up one level in this thread

On September 16, 2003 at 08:38:33, scott farrell wrote:

>On September 16, 2003 at 06:25:59, Drexel,Michael wrote:
>>On September 16, 2003 at 06:10:13, scott farrell wrote:
>>>[d] r3r1k1/1b3pbp/2p2np1/1p1p1q2/pP1Pp3/P1P1P1PP/1B2QPK1/3RRNN1 b - - 0 107
>>>If a human is playing white, and just moves d1d2, and d2d1, can this position be
>>>broken open?
>>Without analysis I dare to say the position is completely lost for white.
>>Black is more or less a piece up and should win.
>Isnt that roughly the line crafty played that I showed below. But I dont see the
>continuation, and neither does crafty.
>How do you stop white from playing d1d2, d2d1 ?

In this position almost any move order will finally stop white from playing
d1d2,d2d1 because checkmate ends the game :)

In principle your program should avoid pawn chains against humans.
If your program plays for example 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 (no book of course) or
1.c3 e5 2.d4 e4 then there is something wrong.


>>>Do any engines detect this behaviour and play differently?
>>>There is a player on ICC that is pretty good at doing this to my engine, and I
>>>am trying to stop him with coding.
>>>I play with white it with crafty 19.3, with d1d2, d2d1, and this is the
>>>[FEN "4r1k1/1b3pbp/r1p2np1/1p1p1q2/pP1Pp3/P1P1P1PP/1B1Q1PK1/3RRNN1 b - - 0 1"]
>>>. . . . r . k .
>>>. b . . . p b p
>>>r . p . . n p .
>>>. p . p . q . .
>>>p P . P p . . .
>>>P . P . P . P P
>>>. B . Q . P K .
>>>. . . R R N N .
>>>black to play
>>>1... Bc8 2. Qe2 Qg5 3. Rd2 Bf5 4. Rdd1 Bf8 5. Rd2 Bd6 6. Rdd1 Qh6 7. Rd2
>>>Raa8 8. Rdd1 Rad8 9. Rd2 Re7 10. Rdd1 Be6 11. Rd2 Ree8 12. Rdd1 Rc8 13. Rd2
>>>Ra8 14. Rdd1 Rad8 15. Rd2 Rf8 16. Rdd1 Rfe8 17. Rd2 Rc8 18. Rdd1 Red8 19.
>>>with no changes in site:
>>>depth=10 14/36 -1.42 19. ... Re8 20. Nh2 Bf5 21. Qf1 Ra8 22. Kh1 Rad8 23. Qg2
>>>Qg5 24. Ne2

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