Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Botanists and flower collectors

Author: Enrique Irazoqui

Date: 11:54:27 12/12/99

Go up one level in this thread

On December 12, 1999 at 13:29:29, Amir Ban wrote:

>On December 12, 1999 at 09:48:31, Enrique Irazoqui wrote:
>Dear Enrique,

Hi Amir,

>I'm surprised to read that you subscribe to this fast vs. knowledge nonsense,
>which is as false as it is popular.

It is not that I subscribe or unsubscribe. It is just that as a flower collector
I do not know if it makes sense or not. I see hints in both directions and
realize that I have no idea, and that's why I posted about it. Talking to other
programmers I hear both sides: ones, agreeing ardently with you; others,
opposing with equal passion.

> The simple truth is that all programs are as
>fast as their author can make them, and have as much knowledge as their author
>practically knows how to put in them.

Are you sure? I see some evidence to the contrary, particularly in the endings.
Some of the strongest engines have no idea about such elementary stuff as bad
bishops or Philidor endings. I also hear that some programmers get rid of
knowledge in order to speed up the search, which causes the horror of other
programmers. It seems that there are two opposite schools of thinking about al

>>Mind you, I also think that without intuitions, whatever that is, exact,
>>verifiable thinking tends to sterility, so from my let's call it feminine
>>intuition (astrologically I am the intuitive cancer, double cancer in fact, soon
>>triple I guess :(, what crap this astrology), and going back to this comp-comp
>>vs. human-comp discussion, I sometimes wonder. To make it short, when looking at
>>the Rebel-Baburin and Rebel Sherbakov games, I "know" that the fast finders
>>couldn't play as well as Rebel.
>Untrue. J6 finds the critical choices in Rebel - Sherbakov to be rather easy,
>and in my opinion understands Baburin - Rebel better than Rebel. It thinks that
>at some points Baburin mishandled a white advantage (e.g. 28. Qc7 ?).

I don't have it yet, so I can't tell about Junior 6. But would Junior have
played some Rebel moves that defined the game, like 14...Ng4? Only Rebel and
Shredder 4 seem to play this specific kind of game, and Rebel's play was
impressively consistent. Fritz, for instance, was fooling around all the time.

>>Following the games with Fritz 6 was
>>overwhelming evidence in this direction.
>I understand it was much too optimistic for black,

Yes it was, but it was not only a problem of optimism but of not having a clue
of what was going on in the Baburin game.

> but then, so was Rebel, or so
>we are told. All programs are stupid when their evaluation is way off. This
>happens to Hiarcs, or every other vaunted "knowledge" program, quite often.
>Fritz, by the way, often shows understanding that would make the so-called
>knowledge programs green.

Here we disagree. I have seen this better understanding of Fritz at times, but
rarely. And I like Fritz, but for other reasons.

> On the other hand, why this alleged
>>positional, human-like (?) superiority wouldn't also show up in comp-comp games,
>>so "knowledgeable" computers would compensate with it for their slower tactical
>>speed? Because it doesn't compensate and comp-comp is decided by tactics.
>That's wrong. Computers kill other computers all the time when their opponent
>doesn't understand a position. It compensates for order of magnitude in speed.

This is wrong in the way you put it and quite central in my perplexity. Let's
assume as an hypothesis of work (is this English?) that a tactical test gives
the same performance ratings than thousands of computer-computer games. If this
were true, and I think it is, it would mean that what makes a difference in
comp-comp is tactics, while the "knowledge" that different programs have
built-in is of similar value, different here and there, but similar on the
whole. So you have that a program can be helped tremendously by its knowledge in
some given positions, but the same will happen to others in the same or
different positions and to the same extent. Then the tactical ability will
prevail, and that's why in the SSDF list the fastest finder is on top, followed
by the second fastest, and so on. Now, that's comp-comp. My question is if
human-comp is any different. I mean, some claim that their programs are better
suited or tuned for human-comp and that they have "knowledge" that fast finders
don't. If this is true, why is that this extra knowledge doesn't make them
perform better in comp-comp?

>>this "superior" understanding only the adaptation of a program to human playing,
>>with the only value of making human life more miserable in chess, and we believe
>>this anthropocentric approach greater? Is there really a difference between
>>comp-comp and human-comp? So what's up? I really wish we would be less of a
>>flower collector and more of a botanist.
>Just my opinion.

Just my perplexity. :)



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