Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Can your engine break a position open,if the human wants to play a draw?

Author: Drexel,Michael

Date: 03:25:59 09/16/03

Go up one level in this thread

On September 16, 2003 at 06:10:13, scott farrell wrote:

>[d] r3r1k1/1b3pbp/2p2np1/1p1p1q2/pP1Pp3/P1P1P1PP/1B2QPK1/3RRNN1 b - - 0 107
>If a human is playing white, and just moves d1d2, and d2d1, can this position be
>broken open?

Without analysis I dare to say the position is completely lost for white.
Black is more or less a piece up and should win.


>Do any engines detect this behaviour and play differently?
>There is a player on ICC that is pretty good at doing this to my engine, and I
>am trying to stop him with coding.
>I play with white it with crafty 19.3, with d1d2, d2d1, and this is the
>[FEN "4r1k1/1b3pbp/r1p2np1/1p1p1q2/pP1Pp3/P1P1P1PP/1B1Q1PK1/3RRNN1 b - - 0 1"]
>. . . . r . k .
>. b . . . p b p
>r . p . . n p .
>. p . p . q . .
>p P . P p . . .
>P . P . P . P P
>. B . Q . P K .
>. . . R R N N .
>black to play
>1... Bc8 2. Qe2 Qg5 3. Rd2 Bf5 4. Rdd1 Bf8 5. Rd2 Bd6 6. Rdd1 Qh6 7. Rd2
>Raa8 8. Rdd1 Rad8 9. Rd2 Re7 10. Rdd1 Be6 11. Rd2 Ree8 12. Rdd1 Rc8 13. Rd2
>Ra8 14. Rdd1 Rad8 15. Rd2 Rf8 16. Rdd1 Rfe8 17. Rd2 Rc8 18. Rdd1 Red8 19.
>with no changes in site:
>depth=10 14/36 -1.42 19. ... Re8 20. Nh2 Bf5 21. Qf1 Ra8 22. Kh1 Rad8 23. Qg2
>Qg5 24. Ne2

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