Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Ruffian 2.0.0 CD-Rom ... information for you!

Author: Frank Quisinsky

Date: 00:21:26 12/18/03

Go up one level in this thread

On December 17, 2003 at 18:38:22, Thomas Mayer wrote:

>Hi Frank,
>>With "Today" I meaning available engines and we can start a tournament every
>>time with the WB engines which are available and which you like and I am
>>absolutly sure that Ruffian 2.0.0 will win. I am speaking from a tournament with
>>minimal 8 engines and minimal 20 games for every eng-eng match!
>>You are ready to start such a tournament on your system ...
>>I am ready to start!
>that would also not proof anything -> then you can just say it had won that
>tourney... to be strongest is nothing objective. From what view ? I can give you
>several positions where e.g. Quark would have better results then Ruffian - so I
>can say that Quark is better in THOSE positions - which is objectively right and
>proofable for everybody.
>So it would be definitely better to advertise Ruffian as one of the strongest
>winboard engines in the world, winning Dutch Open 2003 ahead X,Y & Z, winning
>CCT5 ahead A, B & C etc. etc., being highest rated winboard engine at current
>SSDF list... That ALL would be correct.
>What do you think would Ossi Weiner have done with ChessBase if they would have
>ever claimed Fritz as the strongest engine in the world ? And vice versa ?
>Greets, Thomas

Hi Thomas,

OK, let us look on my CD-Rom!

01. Booklet Text:
Ruffian by Per-Ola Valfridsson (Sweden) is one of the strongest chess engines in
the world.

Right / Wrong

02. Ruffian handbook:
First sentence in the handbook:
We contratulate you on buying the Ruffian 2.0 / Arena 1.0 CD-Rom. With this
product you have purchased one of the strongest chess programs in the World.

Right / Wrong

03. Ruffian 2.0 by Per-Ola Valdfridsson (Sweden) is the strongest Winboard
compatible engine n the World today!

Right / Wrong

I speaking with my atourney for minutes for the second time. He told me that the
text is clear and absolutly right! He told to me that this handbook is 4 weeks
available on my webpages as PDF and if now a person from an other company after
this 4 weeks (on the same day as I write that the CD is available) make problems
that I have all possibilities to make a little bit against this person. Reason
two is that this person not have the CD-Rom at this time and to say such things
befor the person hold the CD in the own hand is ...

In German:
Ich habe kein Interesse gegen eine Person dessen Programm ich auf meinen
ehemaligen Webseiten nicht nur vorgestellt hatte, sondern auch zum Download
angeboten habe vorzugehen. Gian-Carlo stelle mir sein Programm begeistert vor
und ich habe versucht es so gut es geht in meinem News Ticker zu publizieren
(seinerzeit auf den erfolgreichesten Amateur-Computerschachwebseiten "der
Welt"). Das Verhalten von Gian-Carlo ist mir absolut unverständlich um nicht zu
sagen das ich sehr enttäuscht bin.

Denke er hat die Sache nicht richtig überdacht und bin Ihm auch nicht böse zumal
ich sein Programm selbst mag (habe es bei Lokasoft erworben).

Nun ja, da ich die Szene recht gut kenne rechne ich mit allem und habe mich von
daher so gut es geht im Vorfeld abgesichert (wobei ich nie ausschließen kann das
mir selbst Fehler unterlaufen).


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